"saddam Hussein Dead"

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cozmic posted on Dec 31 2006 at 12:41 PM said:
I think it's sick that they filmed this. :(

Don't they have any respect? No, instead they lower themselelves to the values of saddam..
Yeah it's terrible, but maybe that was the only way everyone was gonna believe they actually did it.
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You guys are very far from the Middle East and only recently started to give attention to the complicated situation there. I'm also afraid the media you listen to is VERY biased with lots of stereotypes about Islam and Arabs.

Saddam did many bad things and his own people are the ones who suffered form theose the most. Many were asking for fair trials for Saddam and other rulers in that area even before 2003.

Sunni Muslims in Iraq and many other countries feel insulted and humiliated. Their dignity were touched by seeing an invading power taking over their land and hanging their ruler in their holy day (Eid). What the US government has done is completely wrong and it should blame itself when the terror increases in Iraq.
I dare Nouri Al-Maliki to say the same thing on his day of execution...Saddam was the only ruler to ever say that Palestine belongs to the Arabs. And he said it as he was entering the room. He even laughed as they were wrapping the rope around his neck.
Q: Is it right to not risk agering one section of the population, when the leader in qeustion committed mass genocide against another section of the population? This is why dealings with any country these days are so hard: There are so many different groups that no matter what you do, somone is going to be pissed of in the end. What has to happen around the globe, however, is for people to finally wake up and realize that this is not the middle ages anymore, and that killing one very bad man is not a reason to declare war. Nor is religion a valid reason to declare war. In fact, in todays very fragile and delicate global climate, there is no reason to delcare war, unless you want the planet to go completely downhill for good.

In retrospect, we could have all been saved 5 years worth of trouble if the states had just sent in an effing hitman to get saddam done quickly. But nooooo, bush had to have his little game of war, and so they've gone and stirred up a whole mess that would've been better left untouched. Same goes for osama. They knew where his camp was, they knew he was there at certain times, they could've just nuked the bugger prior to 9/11 and not had a 7 year-long and fruitless campaign in afghanistan trying to find him. :angry:
Azalin posted on Dec 31 2006 at 08:31 PM said:
Q: Is it right to not risk agering one section of the population, when the leader in qeustion committed mass genocide against another section of the population? This is why dealings with any country these days are so hard: There are so many different groups that no matter what you do, somone is going to be pissed of in the end. What has to happen around the globe, however, is for people to finally wake up and realize that this is not the middle ages anymore, and that killing one very bad man is not a reason to declare war. Nor is religion a valid reason to declare war. In fact, in todays very fragile and delicate global climate, there is no reason to delcare war, unless you want the planet to go completely downhill for good.

In retrospect, we could have all been saved 5 years worth of trouble if the states had just sent in an effing hitman to get saddam done quickly. But nooooo, bush had to have his little game of war, and so they've gone and stirred up a whole mess that would've been better left untouched. Same goes for osama. They knew where his camp was, they knew he was there at certain times, they could've just nuked the bugger prior to 9/11 and not had a 7 year-long and fruitless campaign in afghanistan trying to find him. :angry:

And then again, hindsight is great innit! Someone should invent a hindsight video machine so we could all avoid the rather bad political rubbish.
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Azalin posted on Dec 31 2006 at 02:31 PM said:
Q: Is it right to not risk agering one section of the population, when the leader in qeustion committed mass genocide against another section of the population? This is why dealings with any country these days are so hard: There are so many different groups that no matter what you do, somone is going to be pissed of in the end. What has to happen around the globe, however, is for people to finally wake up and realize that this is not the middle ages anymore, and that killing one very bad man is not a reason to declare war. Nor is religion a valid reason to declare war. In fact, in todays very fragile and delicate global climate, there is no reason to delcare war, unless you want the planet to go completely downhill for good.

In retrospect, we could have all been saved 5 years worth of trouble if the states had just sent in an effing hitman to get saddam done quickly. But nooooo, bush had to have his little game of war, and so they've gone and stirred up a whole mess that would've been better left untouched. Same goes for osama. They knew where his camp was, they knew he was there at certain times, they could've just nuked the bugger prior to 9/11 and not had a 7 year-long and fruitless campaign in afghanistan trying to find him. :angry:
You've got your years completely messed up and there was never a reason to go after Saddam, if you have been up to date...
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The UN, world governments, politicians, soldiers and veterans have no place deciding the fate of any country, or the fate of the world. We should leave the big decisions up to hippie college freshmen with rich parents and monumental weed stashes. They have all the real answers.
Azalin posted on Dec 31 2006 at 09:31 PM said:
In retrospect, we could have all been saved 5 years worth of trouble if the states had just sent in an effing hitman to get saddam done quickly.
You played too many computer games.
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Another quality response from assholin, how appropriate ;)

Hindsight is always 20/20. So stop embarrasing yourself like always and shut up. Please.

Sent in a hitman? I'm seriously laughing my ass off here. Im sigging that, because it's so excellent.

You SOUND like an ignorant high schooler. Everything isn't black and white or cut and dry. Thank God you aren't in office, or I daresay you'd be doing an even shittier job and ol dubbya. I didn't think that was even possible, but I guess you make it so.
Glad you enjoyed the comedy. Happy new years :lol:
What comedy?! Is what happening in Iraq comedy? Thousands and thousands have lost their lives in there and I think the last word you can say about this is COMEDY :angry:

Iraq today is just very sad tragedy :(
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Comedy that in reality no one really cares about the "Situation" or they would stand up and do something. Comedy that i can play with people's minds so easily that they actually believe that what i said above was my opinion. Comedy, its a great thing. :lol:
Glad you enjoyed the comedy. Happy new years :lol:
What comedy?! Is what happening in Iraq comedy? Thousands and thousands have lost their lives in there and I think the last word you can say about this is COMEDY :angry:

Iraq today is just very sad tragedy :(

Well you can't blame most of us in the US. Our media is so biased that they don't ever show what is really going on in Iraq. The news is mostly made up of fake "news" shows like Fox with idiots like Bill O'Reilly and Shaun Insannity blathering and endless stream of right-wing flummery. They keep drumming into their heads stuff like Saddam=9/11, Iraq=terrorists, Muslims=murderers. All the while the government is handing out billions of dollars of the taxpayer's money to Haliburton and the other corporate friends of the Bushies. People are stupid and go along with it. It is all a big scam. It ia all about money. The more war there is the richer these bastards get. It is sick.

I really wish the facts and real coverage were shown here. I wish they would show the real carnage that is going on there. As it is many of us are finally fed up with this as was shown in the mid-term elections. If the truth came out I think the next two that would be twisting in the wind would be Bush and Cheney.

It really is sad what is going on in Iraq. It is such a mess.
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