Rot Season 1 Round 3 - Vote For What You Want To Play


Still fresh, damnit!
Oct 6, 2008
Somewhere off the coast of the EU
Okay, peoples, it's crunch time. There were three winners of the game 2 vote, listed in the poll above. Please vote for your favourite out of these three, if you care to.

Welcome to this: the exciting new voting thread for the Retro Offline Tournament, Season 1, Round 3! This time using the all new poll system, using genres and games entirely randomly selected using this handy supercomputing electronic brain I have here. You are permitted one vote per game this time round.

So, uh, vote up there, or natter down there.

For screenshots, videos and all sorts of other information, please see Monkeychops' excellent Master Nominations List
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um, did you forget the poll?

ninja'd by the poll :P

Nice selection, this will be a tough choice. You should link the nomination thread so people can research the games.
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Awesome, nice job levi :)

Tough choices .. Offroad vs Golden Axe.. ouch! (I never played Mario Kart, and everyone else loves it, must be good too.) Hmrf :)

Maybe change it to 'Option 1' and 'Option 2' instead of 'Round 1', to avoid over-use of the word Round. But tiniest niggle there :)

So these were randomly culled from the master list? I think this format will work out well :)


Then for next post, you cna just copy/paste the format of this one. I'm figuring to use the same format for Round 3 when I/we post the 'game score post here' post for the round .. just keep re-using the same template each time, make our 'overhead' workload as low as possible :)
Oops, thanks - I've edited it to say 'game 1' and 'game 2' which is what I originally intended.

Yeah, c&ping Monkeychops' nominations list made this much easier, even if I can't retain his awesome formatting in my poll. Done completely at random using Python, and it just shows how awesome all the nominations are that it's so difficult to choose between them.
I've cast my votes. This poll thing seems to work nicely. Good work guys. :) (If any games I own come up, and there are several of them in this selection, I'll be able to compete in this round. :D)
It saddens me how many of the nominated games I have in my collection. *awesome* *crys into corner and plays old games some more*

Tickles said:
Was there a rule that you can't vote for games you nominated? :unsure:
If there is, I accidentally forgot it (well, only with Mega Man: The Power Battle - my other vote wasn't one of my own nominations). :lol: Whoops.
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I don't think voting for your own nomination is a problem anymore with the new system of picking random games for the vote. There was a worry that we'd have a huge list of every game with one vote each from the person who nominated it and that was one of the reasons we went with a different system. But Levi will have to chime in here, he's in charge of the voting.

Not to mention its nice to own the game being picked and your more likely to own the game you nominated. :)
Yep, no problem with people voting for a game they nominated. If you still want to play it the most out of all the games in the vote then go for it - hopefully someone else will agree and it'll go through.

Thanks to the phantom thread pinner by the way!
Okay, I'm calling time on this vote. We've had the same number of votes we got last time, so hopefully everyone who wants to has had a say.

For the first game, the platformer, the clear winner is New Zealand Story, the Arcade version.

For the second game, either a racer or a fighter, the current top spot is split three ways, between the Super Off-Road, the equally Super Mario Kart and the probably super Golden Axe.

So, I've updated the poll at the top so you can all vote on this quandry. Please, go vote

For posterity, here's the state of the original polls at the point they were closed:
Game 1: Platformer
1 - Castlequest | Puzzel | NES | High Score | wiki pic clip | MonkeyChops
1 - Mappy | Item Collection | Arcade | High Score | wiki pic clip | Prometheus
2 - New Zealand Story | Run Jump Scrolling | Arcade | High Score | MAWS pic clip | Mal Duffin
1 - Super Buster Bros (pang) | Shooter | Snes | High Score Tour Mode | wiki pic clip | levi
1 - Toki | Shooting | Arcade | High Score 1 Credit | wiki pic clip | Tickles
1 - Turrican II: The Final Fight | Run & Gun | Amiga | Life total at Game's end | wiki pic clip | john4p
1 - Wardner | Shooter | MD/Gen |High Score | wiki pic clip | Skeezix

Game 2: Racer or Fighter
2 - Ivan "Ironman" Stewart's Super Off-Road | Fixed Screen | Arcade | Total races achieved | wiki klov pic pic clip | levi
0 - Lotus Esprit Challenge | N/A | Amiga | Total score of all 3 leagues | wiki pic clip | john4p
2 - Super Mario Kart | Kart-Racing | SNES | Fastest Time | wiki pic clip | tickles
2 - Golden Axe | Beat 'em Up | MD/Gen | Score upon Completion | info pic clip | Com64
1 - Megaman: The Power Battle | Boss Rush | Arcade | High Score/Best Time | wiki pic clip | Prometheus
0 - Megaman 2: The Power Fighers | Boss Rush | Arcade | High Score | wiki pic clip | Prometheus
1 - Streets of Rage 2 | Beat 'em Up | MD/Gen | Score after round 3 | wiki pic clip | Com64
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^ I hate to say this, but the poll seems to be broken. To be able to vote at all, I had to delete my previous votes (it's still seeing the previous ones, I guess), and when I tried to vote anew, it told me that I need to cast a vote in each section of the poll even though there is only one. :blink:
Oops, quite right. I guess I should test my polls before letting them loose. Seems you can't edit polls after they've been voted on very well - first time I deleted both questions before adding the new one, but that left the votes for the first three answers of the first question intact, so I ended up creating the new question as a third question, saving it, then deleting the first two. I think it's safe to say resetting polls doesn't work very well.

Okay, I'll make a new thread. Thanks for the bug report ;)