Rom File Repair Tools...


Certified Guru
Sep 10, 2004
Middle of Nowhere, USA
Okay, there's a really cool-looking SNES puzzle game that has been translated to English by AGTP. That game is called Cu-On-Pa, but all the ROM files that I have found have not worked. They will get as far as the menu, but once you press start to get to the save file selection screen, it stops recognizing all the buttons or it freezes or something... regardless of what's happening, I can't get any further than that screen.

This problem occurs on OpenSNES, Snes9x and ZSNESw, by the way.

Are there any utilities that could be used to diagnose/fix the problem with this ROM? And.. if anyone has a working ROM of this game, just let me know, so I can know to keep on looking. ;)
Ok!, Well i just tried the game i ZSNES wip (10th july 05) and still no go, But i found an emulator (SnesGT) that does play this game. I`ve no idea who the author of the emulator is and it does run a little slow on a 800mhz, 4meg unaccelerated graphics carded pc (old basement pc at work :P ). But it should run better for most of you.

BTW: I have only tested it past the screen that froze on the other emulators.

I`ve had to host it, As i found it on a non board friendly site :D ,But here it is.

SnesGT for windows

EDIT: Spelling.
