Release Rockbox as an app

> Implemented RTC support. Now the last.FM scrobbler file contains timestamps

Now we only need the Pandora to actually keep it's time correctly :D Mine is horribly off after a couple of restarts.
New rockbox release is out:

- Implemented RTC support. Now the last.FM scrobbler file contains timestamps

Also shows a small clock in the upper right corner of the menus

- Working sleep timer

- Working idle power off

- Support for anti-aliased fonts (not in use yet)

- Update to latest rockbox SVN code

Regarding the occasional audio pop/click issue:

It seemed fixed at first and it still occurs sometimes.

This needs further investigation/an ALSA based audio backend.
Where is the download link? Is it in PND form?
If we want to download a theme, is there a particular player that I can download themes from?

btw: The UI is amazing...and I love Rockbox's customizability with sound settings...crossfeed, compressor, equalizer... :D
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Wow this is exciting! I have an Archos 5 IMT with the developer firmware on it. I loaded this onto the Angrstrom image and was able to bark it off but no files would play. I appreciate you porting this to arm linux.
If we want to download a theme, is there a particular player that I can download themes from?
Most themes are depending on the screen size. The Nokia N900 and the Pandora both share a screen size of 800x480.

There was one theme posted for the N900 here:

btw: The UI is amazing...and I love Rockbox's customizability with sound settings...crossfeed, compressor, equalizer... :D
Yep, it brought the fun back listening to music after my empeg died :D

If I press "C" on the keyboard, rockbox freezes (I can close it via Pandora-Icon). If I access the config via songbrowser (pressing back until root), I can access it.
Looks great! When I get my Pandora, this will definitely be one of the first programs I put on it. I have Rockbox on a Sansa Fuze (v2, so no USB currently) and am absolutely loving it, so combining all the greatness of Rockbox with the Pandora will probably create a Black Hole of Win (level 100) and suck up everything in the universe.

I can't wait to try it!
did you manage to change theme? i downloaded two from maemo community, but they don't appear, appdata doesn't seem to have a themes folder

Themes work fine. I tested the one thomasjfox suggested. Looks nicer than the cab-theme, but a bit too windowish for my taste (makes me feel uncomfy ;) . Where did you find more?

I extracted it to


Subfolders: wps, themes, icons, backdrops.

I *think* to show up in "Themes" that theme has to have a *.wps in wps. or a *.cfg in themes. Not sure which but it works. ;)
I've tried it and its nice but I'll stick to audacious.

I just love to have lists of songs with all details for easy showing, I tend to pick a song when I see it instead of go searching for it.

One feature I miss on almost all players is shuffle by album (Or I am not looking!) is it somewhere in rockbox where I didnt find it?

(I would love to have a foobar2000 on the pandora but thats not going to happen probably)
did you manage to change theme? i downloaded two from maemo community, but they don't appear, appdata doesn't seem to have a themes folder

Rockbox checks two folders for themes, one is the main "share" directory

and one in the appdata directory. Try looking for this:


If the "themes" folder doesn't exist, try to create it.

The "appdata/rockbox/.config/" folder also contains

the settings file and the music database.

what about keyboard full support? it's hard to use the on-screen keyboard, search could be integrated with now-playing
If someone add's that to rockbox, I'll happily push out a new Pandora build :D

I guess this will happen sooner or later... more of a later...


Is there a way to enable recording at all?

Recording isn't currently implemented for any of the Rockbox-as-an-application (RaaA) ports.



PS: I don't seem to get email notifications for this thread,

even though I'm "watching" it. Odd...
One feature I miss on almost all players is shuffle by album (Or I am not looking!) is it somewhere in rockbox where I didnt find it?

You can do this with a plugin:

It creates a list of folders and you can set the auto-change mode to "random".

Unfortunately the plugin seems broken on RaaA ATM as I don't think

I have 90.000+ folders on my N900/Pandora. Guess it's a symlink

issue with the /proc filesystem starting over and over again.


New rockbox release will be out soon:

- Fix premature idle shutdown after last track finished playing

- Update to latest rockbox SVN code

