

Still Fresh
Mar 12, 2006
*sigh* :(

Haven't been on these boards for a while. This is because I've spent the last five weeks moping outside the Cannon Street Lost Property office, in the vain hope that my GP2x would reappear. My unit was "informally redistributed" from the coat rack over my head as I slept on the train after a bastard long shift moving boxes from one place to another.

At the end of the day it's just a thing, right? A replaceable object. And it's true that there are more violent and scary ways to be robbed.

But I am keenly aware of how many hours worth of work went into getting it in the first place. My GP2x represented a chunk of time spent in factories dunking tuna mayo into little salads so you can nosh them off the shelf at Asda. It was putting hundreds of letters in envelopes. It was shifts in the complaints departments getting shouted at on behalf of the suits upstairs. And it was going without beer for weeks.

Having geeky tastes in entertainment but no marketable skills to speak of sucks.


So anyway. If anyone decides they that it's time to part with their GP2x for a reasonable amount of money, please pm me. I promise I will give it a good home.
Dude, that just sucks. I once ordered a Game Doctor SF7 for my SNES (game copier) to play imports and PD. When it arrived the fucking moron mail delivery dude just dropped it off in the stairway of the flat I live at, and somebody stole the parcel... the worst thing is: I bet the thief didn't even know what the heck they stole and probably just dropped it in a garbage can...
PSyMastR posted on May 16 2006 at 10:00 AM said:
Ya, my Gp2x was stolen too. My new one is not as good as the old one :(

I can imagine the person who stole going home, switching it on and saying:
"WTF is this shit? This isn't a PSP"
*Tosses in the bin
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xnopasaranx posted on May 16 2006 at 12:14 AM said:
... the worst thing is: I bet the thief didn't even know what the heck they stole and probably just dropped it in a garbage can...

Exactly. That burns. In my case, they took my jacket, with the GP2x in the pocket - so had no clue what they'd nicked until later. I get really upset when I think about it.

And yet.

I was at this greasy spoon in Finsbury Park this weekend, having one of them heart-stopping all day breakfasts. And some completely random person tapped me on the shoulder and handed me the fiver I'd accidentally dropped when I'd paid my bill.

So there are still some good people left, I think.
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yoyoyoyoyoyoyo posted on May 17 2006 at 05:07 PM said:
I once went to Six Flags then went to Mcdonals for lunch and dropped my wallet that had about $150 in ti. Then two girls walked up to me and gave me it back.
That's because Six Flags is like a paradise. I was just there last week :)
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hey, join the I-had-my-gp2x-stolen party. My theif climbed a wall to get to mine. And stole nothing else in the house. (probably because he had to climb a wall to get back.)

I know it sucks a lot. If my GF tries to force me to sell mine again (and wins), I'll send it your way.
Knock on wood, all I've had stolen was some CD's when I left my car unlocked once visiting my parent's, of all places...

I carry around a 4 megapixel camera and a Tablet PC in a black backpack (to hide what it is I'm carrying, but the camera case is fairly obvious). Nothing's been knicked but when I'm in public I'll put a strap around one leg and sit and eat. Makes it fun to go to the bathroom but I can't forget the camera or the Tablet PC and no one can steal it.

I've invested in a carrying case for my future GP2X Mk2. I'm not sure if I'll carry the camera, the GP2X and the Tablet PC... Oh yeah, and I have a 1gig USB drive around my neck usually.

Camera: needed for random shots, flowers, hawks hunting squirrels, kids, wife, friends. Tablet PC: Great for being bored. GP2X should handle this better, as TPC's can't do much. Useful at work. USB drive: Because it's light, it goes everywhere. Rarely use it 'cept at work & home.

I foresee taking my GP2X everywhere with me, just in case I find myself waiting for 10 minutes.
i've returned several mobile phones to people - every time it's 'oh thanks...' and they leave. one guy grabbed it out of my hands like i was going to suddenly make off with it. :blink:
I would never steal :rolleyes: But if someone leaves anything, like a wallet orso, I definitely take it... Except if it belongs to a girl orcourse. Ofcourse I first look on her ID or other kinda card (so I know her name :D ) :rolleyes:
@NoidZ: Duuuude,,, now that's just weird...

Anyway, I think stealing personal property sucks... that's really mean. I don't think it is bad though if someone steals food from a supermarket or something. But that's another story...
No one has tried to steal my GP2X or GP32 yet, but everyone who sees it thinks it's a psp and say how they "copied" the psp's menu system (well, it does have a menu, and that's about the only part that's the same :P )

When i was in the airport coming back from a school band trip I bought a drink for about $1 and paid for it with a $5 bill. The lady working there made a mistake and gave me change for a $20, but i gave it back, because its basically stealing (unless you aren't aware the cashier made a mistake). I'm sure she needed the money much more than I did (she was rather old, and working at an airport food stand probably doesn't pay well).

Anyways, about the gp2x:
I would love to help you out, but I just can't part with my gp2x. Sorry.
Heh, I'm evil, it happened a couple of times people gave me too much money back and I kept it. Also happened when finding money on the ground someone just dropped or finding particular items. (never got anything big, but if I found a wallet with everything in it, I'd take the money and only then return it to a police station)
Heh, I'm evil, it happened a couple of times people gave me too much money back and I kept it. Also happened when finding money on the ground someone just dropped or finding particular items. (never got anything big, but if I found a wallet with everything in it, I'd take the money and only then return it to a police station)
would you like if someone did that to you?
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I was walking down camden lock one time and this photographer guy left his 3 CF cards behind. He was incredibly chuffed to get it back, thought he was gonna hug me.

Heh, I'm evil, it happened a couple of times people gave me too much money back and I kept it. Also happened when finding money on the ground someone just dropped or finding particular items. (never got anything big, but if I found a wallet with everything in it, I'd take the money and only then return it to a police station)
would you like if someone did that to you?

I'd just be pleased to get stuff like credit cards, driving licence, etc back
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I was walking down camden lock one time and this photographer guy left his 3 CF cards behind. He was incredibly chuffed to get it back, thought he was gonna hug me.

Heh, I'm evil, it happened a couple of times people gave me too much money back and I kept it. Also happened when finding money on the ground someone just dropped or finding particular items. (never got anything big, but if I found a wallet with everything in it, I'd take the money and only then return it to a police station)
would you like if someone did that to you?

I'd just be pleased to get stuff like credit cards, driving licence, etc back
obviously, but I still think taking out the money is pretty fucked up. meh
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