
Jun 10, 2009
How long is the turn around on an RMA at the moment. I have started to get the dreaded purple screen. At the moment if I open fully, it disappears, So I'm wondering whether to leave as is for a while if the queue is too long, thanks
I shipped mine mid april for damaged shoulder button, cracked case and PTOD, i should hope itll be back sometime this month. Cause it's at least 2 weeks there, 2 weeks back, and however long it takes ED to get to it and fix it... so to answer your question, id say aproximately two months :P
Not to be facetious, but from Canada, the time from send to receive back, it took the proverbial 2 months. The repair was done by ED, and very perfectly, might I add. At first I just wanted to let EvilDragon do his work, but at one point I just had to ask for status. To my surprise it arrived the next day or so.

I had video issues, a couple cracks and a broken tab on the battery cover.

Moral of the story, be patient and kind; they're busy humans over there.
Yeah, I've got a few cracks, some holes and purple screen but it's just the purple screen that's annoying me. What is actually happening to cause the purple screen, is it something I can fix by realigning the lcd cable or anything?
^ I somewhat doubt you could fix it. In all likelyhood the cable is one of the originals and thus has started to break. If you feel brave you could just buy one of the new lcd cables and fix it yourself.

You have one of the CC Pandoras right?
As part of CE certification, they had to manually add aluminum foil sheets to the video cable in order to shield the RFI. After a number of bending and unbending which happens when you open and close it, the aluminum foil breaks and potentially cuts parts of the video cable.

New cables have shielding as part of the manufacturing process and are not prone to this problem.