Azure Trust the recursion... Joined May 21, 2003 Messages 3,805 Location California, USA Oct 9, 2003 #1 Rlyeh released the source for fGB32, you can get it here.
GP32 Kirby Member Joined May 30, 2003 Messages 317 Age 38 Website Visit site Oct 9, 2003 #2 Somebody needs to implement some frame rate code into this.. it's way too fast sometimes (try playing Super Mario Land on default video display to see what I mean )
Somebody needs to implement some frame rate code into this.. it's way too fast sometimes (try playing Super Mario Land on default video display to see what I mean )
N NiN^_^NiN YOUR AUSSIE GP32 GURU!!!!!!!! Joined May 30, 2003 Messages 1,008 Age 41 Location Melbourne, Australia Website Oct 9, 2003 #3 Least it has throttle code i think. better than that other gbemu It was good but playing games 2 fast or 2 slow just made it harder to enjoy. h34r:
Least it has throttle code i think. better than that other gbemu It was good but playing games 2 fast or 2 slow just made it harder to enjoy. h34r:
Tobriand Well-Known Member Joined Dec 27, 2002 Messages 4,071 Age 39 Location Croydon (UK) Website Visit site Oct 9, 2003 #4 Brilliant news... more source is always (with the exception of leaked source a la Half Life 2) a good thing
Brilliant news... more source is always (with the exception of leaked source a la Half Life 2) a good thing