Rlyeh betas demoing at the meet....


Apr 5, 2003
Newport, Wales, UK
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I have an exclusive from Rlyeh. I spoke to him last night, and we will now be exclusively showing every usefully functional beta that he currently has. This includes fMame, fGen and fPCE. They are in various states of development, and we wont be able to distribute them, but you can have a go on saturday and see what thay are like if you're at the British Meetup...

does that include fWSC or whatever he'll name the wonderswan emu. I'd love to see the wonderswan emulated correctly
Should do... got a list of the ok'd ones at home, but am in work at the moment, so cant check. But take this as a 90% sure yes. (I'll update this if that changes...)
What a scoop. Line up sounds damn good! Wish i wasn't flying out the coutry this evening :angry:

Looking forward to next week to hear all about them :P
was rlyeh working on a GB emu? i thought... will he show it?
and can someone make photos and screenshots, of the games and the meetup, for all Bwho live outside GB
man. what started out sounding kinda uber-dorky is.. well ok it still sounds uber-dorky but also really really cool, and I am jealous (wah wah wahhh!!) _ I want to go and see cool betas too!! Ah well too bad, maybe if the "southern california GP32 meetup" ever gets organized I'll have my chance.

anyway you guys should give some special prize to whoever travels the furthest to get this thing (don't worry, not gonna be me -- like I said) -- and yeah take lots of pics for us wannabe's in other parts of the world (no excuses now, digital cam's are cheap!) if you're bashful you can just photoshop your avatars over your photographed faces..

have fun guys!
hmm but still cool that someone is working on one, which sources he uses?
Waht about the dosbox port, heard about one (or was it another x86 emu) any progress on it
"ralp99" said:
anyway you guys should give some special prize to whoever travels the furthest to get this thing...

Good idea, I second that notion. In fact, if the Great British meetup turns out as great as it promises it will, I may be inspired to organize an American gathering of the same nature, next summer. Best of luck, guys, and I wish I could be there for all the excitement!
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Fgen32 beta is really cool even though it's abit slow. It made my bus journey to Newcastle great last week. Sonic and Knuckles took twice as long to complete. Hopefully the beta that we see tommorow will be better(no pun intended....ok well maybe just a little) than the current one.