Ok, I looked at the source and also the readme with it!
It seems that ROTT was going to be the sequel to WolfenStein3D untill a phonecall from ID Software changed everything.
What I understood from the readme is that the engine is a more advanced version of the WolfenStein3D engine.
In the readme are some reminesses from people who worked on the game. One of them said that the biggest mistake they ever made was not use the Build engine that was used for Duke Nukem3D and Shadow Warrior.
There are 5 parts of assembly in the source which need to be rewritten for a GP32 port in either ASM or C deppending on the speed loss.
I would like to port this game to the GP32. What I would like first is to actually get my GP32 and secondly the source to WolfenStein 3D for the GP32. I allready visited the site of the guy that did the port. It said he ported it from the Linux source of WolfenStein3D. I allready asked him for the source.
I would first like to do some research to assertain the difficulty and what I actually need to do for a port.