Right Shoulder Button stopped working


Advanced Member
Oct 18, 2009

after I carried my Pandora in my trousers pocket and when I took it out my trouser, the right shoulder button moved a bit inside the case. I manage with my fingernail to slide it back to its original position. But it stopped working (I think one time it worked but I am not sure). It feels like there is no "spring" like in the left shoulder button, the button won't move back if you press it in. Maybe some small part is just moved, and you can repair it, by opening it up? I have a small crack in the battery are of the Pandora, probably this is why the trigger moved inside the case.

Can I repair it? How would you repair it? Can I do it myself or should it be done by ED / Askaru? How much would it cost to repair it?
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You've either bent or knocked off the microswitch on the PCB so that it no longer makes contact with the button as pressed. Just by unscrewing the bottom you can see that side of the PCB to see if that's what's happened.

If it's just knocked off, it could be resoldered on quite easily by someone with the right equipment.
Somethimes, its just the foampad from the button,

i can remamber from my CC Unit, it ditnt work at the begining, but then i found a screedriver and opend the bottonpart,

just be a bit carefull, the Case isnt realy solid, but if you able to build a toy from a kinder surprise egg , you also can fix the pandora..
Ok if I need to solder it, I will just send it to ED and hope he can fix it. I think I need a new case anyway, so the button won't happen again. ED if you read this, can you tell me, how much would it cost to fix the the right shoulder button?
Please let us know what the diagnosis is if you open it. This was a concern of mine that led me to decide not to put mine in pockets. In fact, it is usually transported and stored in a case similar to the dry box on Ithic.com (and can double as a weapon), although sometimes I will put it in soft cases for nintendo handhelds.

My protective measures are in response to one of the shoulder buttons getting stuck when I first started using it that was resolved by loosening a screw very slightly. Initially I was worried the problem was more severe and decided it needed the best protection I could get.
Can I put 20€ into the box and get a new case too? I am scared, that the button will go inside the again, when the small crack remains in the battery area of the case.
I had (and have) exactly the same problem, the Pandora was inside the Dragonbox box, and even if the fall was short and seemed soft (on my shoes), the right shoulder was stuck in the case.

The first time it fell, the switch was only partially detached but still both left and right contacts where attached to the board, so I just put a piece of paper in the back of the switch, and after I closed the case the shoulder button was working like it was new.

Today it falled again... but this time seems like the switch is completely detached on the left side... I'll have a better look at it this evening... maybe I can still patch it as before

I'm thinking if there someting that can be done in the box to prevent this behaviour to happens, maybe putting some pieces of sponge in particular points ??
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I sended it to ED with 26 euros, he (or Askarus) repaired it, I got a new case with a better hinge then old black hinge, and now my Pandora is almost perfect again. The repaired shoulder button feels a bit different and once in 1 or 2 days it doesnt move back in its "off" position. But a second press fixes it. I am impressed how well the totally broken button was fixed and I am happy with the very fast and very good customer support. Keep it this way, ED and the Pyra will be an even bigger success :) .
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I'm happy for you :)

I tried to "repair" mine myself again with a piece of paper, but even if now it clicks in the right way, the input-tester doesn't see them... so seems like this time I'll have to send it to ED too
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I tried to "repair" mine myself again with a piece of paper, but even if now it clicks in the right way, the input-tester doesn't see them... so seems like this time I'll have to send it to ED too
Where do you live, at least in Germany the sending worked very fast.
Italy, I don't think it will require too much time, anyway I'm ashamed to say that, but I still have to send another pandora with broken lcd cable... it's more than a year that I have to send it but it was so useful even without the display that I never found the strenght to stop using it...

Maybe it's time to send them both... -_-
Open both, swap stuff around, keep the fully functional one and send the one with the bad button and cable.
lol, too much ph3ar :D

also the one with the broken lcd has a broken nub, so without soldering I can't do much... I have a soldering iron but it's too big, it's more for electric things than electronics...
Since you are close you won't be without them for that long, I guess.  Not sure how you will survive, though. :P

I became reliant on mine without noticing, and ordered a USB wifi adapter yesterday to help with the biggest weakness.
I became reliant on mine without noticing, and ordered a USB wifi adapter yesterday to help with the biggest weakness.


I wrote a notice about slow wifi and that mine Pandora had probably the wrongly placed metal foil over the wifi module. When it was repaired the wifi was way better ( I can sometimes get over 1 MB/s). So they repaired it too :) . Maybe add some notice over slow wifi to your packet too?
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I've never had slow wifi problems, just the already known disconnecting problems