left shoulder button not working


Jan 19, 2014
hey everyone

so, I bought the pandora 1ghz in january 2014. when i received it, the left shoulder button was already behaving different than the right one (standing out a bit more and was harder to press). later, i think about 4 months ago already, it stopped funktioning entirely (button feels completely loose). i didnt care much back then, but now i want to play some games again where i would need that button.

my question is: how simple is it to open and check out (im always scared to open such small devices :P )? any tutorials, videos? or would it be better sending it back for repair, since the case also has a crack already.

oh and btw, please no responds like "are you afraid of soldering?" :D (this seems to be almost a standard answer in this community haha)

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No need to solder here :) just take out 5 screws on the bottom (two of them are under the battery) and you will be able to take out the cover. In this state, you should be able to power up your unit via the charger without the battery, and check the internal part of your misbehaving button.

Caution and fine motion skills are required nevertheless, especially when you will want to assemble it back.
Pretty easy, but don't strip the threads, don't overtighten the screws.

If the button is broken you /will/ need to solder to repair it yourself. I'm not sure whether your comment meant you can solder or not.
haha, well my comment about soldering was meant as "I never did it before". which means i dont have the tools either. ill just open it up when i have the time and post some pictures / videos here, that will help you to help me more i think
So if it broke off the board it is a case of rma unfortunately.
so, i took a look inside (damn those screws arent easy to remove!), and the shoulder button is broken off
It's a shame you're not friends with the soldering iron, as it would havre taken you 5 minutes to fix that button. Mine was broken off 3 or 4 times like that (unit falling on the floor, bag falling on the floor, bag being hit by falling stuff etc.) and I know first hand how easy to fix it is.
It's a shame you're not friends with the soldering iron, as it would havre taken you 5 minutes to fix that button. Mine was broken off 3 or 4 times like that (unit falling on the floor, bag falling on the floor, bag being hit by falling stuff etc.) and I know first hand how easy to fix it is.
Lets rename you: dimag0g  damage.
is it completely broken off or just one or two solderconnections?

Are the solderpads ok?
solded and everything works again, yay! works even better now than original (button no longer feeling a bit loose), thanks for all your replies