Rick dangerous in the Ports section

Is this game in levels!? cos even when I was a kid I oculdn't get past this bit.....

Yeah - it is in levels (4 I think) all in different styles - 2nd is Egypt.


Dont change the controls, EXCEPT for making A Jump and B the normal button for bombs/bullets.

Or make it possible to choose. It's the A to jump thing that would make the most difference to me....
If you could make A jump (or basically disable UP and replace it with A) that would be better.

I have big thumbs and the stick is too sensitive at best!

So I'd say my eprsonal best controls would be...

Left/Right/Down = Left/Right/Down

B = Fire Gun

A = Jump/Climb ladders

R = Dynamite

B+A = Poke stick (nobody uses this, do they?! so a bad control for it would be best heh heh)

or something liek that!?

4 levels eh? Bugger. I just played again and stll cant beat that 1st one :@
i think it would be a big sacrilege to change the button and still call it Rick Dangerous :(

there is one important thing that is missing in this version:
the sound when you use the knife.

a kind of password system or level selector (like in the 2) could be cool

and A button to jump (like in Castaway) it would be cool too i think

and highscore

that's really all i think
don't change it too much please...
Alright, I've dug deeper into the source code. I still can't even compile it without getting warnings, but atleast the resulting file seems to work fine, so I guess those warnings aren't all that important. :)

Here's what I've concluded so far:

* Highscoresaver (which was my original goal) will most probably be implemented.
* A level-code system should also be no big problem. I've worked out a good way to display the level code. The main thing is where it will be input, probably I will add a little dialog right at the beginning, even before the 'Xrick' intro pictures (will be easier this way).
* Controls will NOT be reconfigured, sorry. I've looked into it a bit, and it seems kind of hard to do this in a good way.

And finally, no promises made, this might all turn into nothing for all I know, but I'll make an attempt atleast.
Sounds great. Controls are OK anyway, just different than most games, but they work when you get used to them.

Hiscore save and level code selection would really improve the game's fun factor IMO - good luck!
Hiscore save and level code selection would really improve the game's fun factor IMO - good luck!
Then you're in luck!

I've just finished XRick32 v1.2.


* Highscore saving to SMC
* Level codes being displayed on the little intro screen that comes before each level
* A menu where you start the game, enter level codes and reset your GP32.
* Smaller in size, only 170k compared to original 400k thanks to Mr.Spiv's excellent b2fxeC

The menu sure isn't pretty, but I didn't want to add any new graphic resources, so I did it all with the XRick standard font.

I don't know if I should let some people betatest it before release, or just release it and fix bugs (if there are any) in a later release?
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Release and be damned! As long as the other version stays available, it isn't going to matter if it causes some crashes for some people - and you're unlikely (I suspect) to get flamed here to the "why won't it run on my GP32" classic style.

Then again, if you think it does need a bit of private beta-ing, it might be worth doing for a day or 2... up to you :)