Ps3 To Unveil In Japan Within The Month


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
As quoted from this months issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly, at the end of the magazine where they metion what articles will show up in next months issue:

"We've got one more thing up our sleeve that will get you up out of your seat and cheering for joy. Oh, it's just a little thing we like to call the Playstation 3. We'll report back to you from the Playstation 3 debut event in Japan. Finally, the unveiling of the PS3!!"

Man I can't wait....

E3 gonna be tons'o'fun this year!
hmmmm I was willing to give this a fair shake untill I read EGM mentioned this info.

Oh well.

Oh and since I havent seen it here yet, there's a "leaked PS3" picture going around, it's totally fake. (yea it's an obvious CG render making it technically fake but it's also a bad one making it very much more fake.)
I already figured that picture for a fake, and I wouldn't count on it playing PSP games, but it may have a UMD drive for playing movies... as Sony have stated they want to make UMD a mainstream media thing.

They have also stated several times they have no interest or intention of allowing us to play PSP games on a TV in any way shape or form

And what the heck is wrong with EGM? I've been subscribed to them for almost 3 years, and I havent ever seen them just spout pure BS or lies... now there is the one section, the Rumor section that is written by a guy who goes by "Quarterman"... yeah those are just rumors and half the time they don't come true, but this was not in that section, it was in the "coming next month" section so that they are mentioning Sony having a 'debut event in Japan' that has most likely got to be fact.

I say count on this one being the real deal folks... it makes perfect sense I mean look a the timeline. They will debut the unit at their own press event, right before they bring it 'to the masses' at E3, and then in time to possibly release in Japan end of this year or early next. It is not uncommon for there to be press events like this held by the company in Japan just before a major debut like E3.
Ah too bad, it would've been cool for like on guy to play a psp game on the tv while other people join in with their PSP and play wireless multi player. Ah my crazy ideas :P

yeah EGM is a respectable mag, I wish I could afford it, its so expensive here. Gamespot also mentioned that sony might have a special April event for the PS3. Looks like it's true.
Alpha2 posted on Mar 30 2005 at 09:25 AM said:
hmmmm I was willing to give this a fair shake untill I read EGM mentioned this info.

Oh well.

Oh and since I havent seen it here yet, there's a "leaked PS3" picture going around, it's totally fake. (yea it's an obvious CG render making it technically fake but it's also a bad one making it very much more fake.)


thats the fake one... you gotta admit its quite a good fake picture :P (the design looks horrible)
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LOL not like the PS2 was a particularly pretty piece of work.

I dunno that design looks almost plausible to me... I'm gonna laugh my ass off if it ends up really looking like that.
Here's another interesting tidbit from another article in this months EGM... they are interviewing Sega's Yuji Naka, who is the primary man behind Phantasy Star Online, among many other great Sega games (including a little known title call Sonic the hedghog.. you might have heard of it). They're asking him his thoughts on the next wave of systems... and some of his comments come really close to speculation from some of the guys here, about the difficulty and cost of making games for the new systems. Since I have nothing better to do at work, I'll transcribe a bit for you guys :) I threw a couple comments in there myself by the way in case you're wondering about the out of quotes parts:

EGM: "Are you excited about the next gen consoles debuting this year?"

Naka: " I think it is too early. The PS2 and GameCube..." (note he doesn't mention the Xbox... as you all know Xbox was a commercial failure in Japan) "are still both very good platforms. Personally, I don't want the next gen hardware to come out this early, because they will be very difficult and expensive to develop for. Seriously, it might take three times the effort to make one game. With next gen platforms, players will expect games to look as good as CG movies - it will be very difficult. It will be cool when you can play a game that looks like a movie, but there's no way a company will be able to make a game like that in one year.
If fans of a franchise have to wait three years for the next game, that will be a shock to them" Will it? we waited that long and longer for new installments of mario, Zelda, halo, much longer for Metroid, Final Fantasy... heheh well the list goes on and on, the point is lots of major franchises take 3 years to come with sequels. "People who like games want to play them more often these days. Like Half-Life 2 - it took five years to come out! What's next? Will gamers be willing to wait 15 years for a game (sequel)? [Laughs] The father will start programming a game, and he'll have to pass it on to his son to finish it after he dies. on PC right now, there aren't a lof of games being released like there used to be. I think the same thing will happen to consoles: It'll take a lot of time (and money) to develop a top quality game."
I kinda like the design of that fake. It wouldn't surpise me if it was real either, at it does kinda look home entertaiment machine ish...
Not to keen on the disc loader though.
As for what the interview said, its true but not. Game have become easier to develop over the years and quicker but for a truely high quality game in both graphics and game play it does take years.
If that's a PS3 than this is the PSP2!

it's a lot more obvious now why they used this design concept.

I doubt the PS3 will have a UMD drive because it's already hard to convince people to buy UMD movies for the PSP, you cant tell me you'd want to play a movie on your expensive game system, built for HDTV quality picture, that is smaller than it would be on a DVD? No that dosen't even make sense...MAYBE if you could play the games but if you can't done bother. They'd be better off selling a mini player for UMD movies... oh wait they DO, it's called a PSP!

Also: my problem with EGM Besides Quarterman (who has been the cause of millions or baseless opinions by halfwitt 14yr old fanbois accross the globe for close to 7 or 8 years, possibly more) is that their review system stinks viciously, they've often been critical of things in the past only when it suits them, the instant it dosent they changed their position. They often come off as being biased in their write ups on certain things with very half assed reasons or none at all. Granted I havent read an issue in close to a decade but I remember enough to know they'd have to set fire to all their old employees and start anew in another country with a new name for me to ever grant them a whole lot of credibility.

Also, also: as a print magazine they have a 3 month lead time and Sony said last month they weren't going to be showing the PS3 at E3. So I'll wait for someone else to anounce this before I listen to EGM. No offence to you of course.


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Steve-O posted on Mar 30 2005 at 08:09 PM said:
Alpha2 posted on Mar 30 2005 at 09:25 AM said:
hmmmm I was willing to give this a fair shake untill I read EGM mentioned this info.

Oh well.

Oh and since I havent seen it here yet, there's a "leaked PS3" picture going around, it's totally fake. (yea it's an obvious CG render making it technically fake but it's also a bad one making it very much more fake.)


thats the fake one... you gotta admit its quite a good fake picture :P (the design looks horrible)

Looks like a giant video camera LOL. Yeah I've seen this one. The UMD drive is as big as the blue ray. VERY realistic :lol:
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bast525 posted on Mar 30 2005 at 08:28 PM said:
Here's another interesting tidbit from another article in this months EGM... they are interviewing Sega's Yuji Naka, who is the primary man behind Phantasy Star Online, among many other great Sega games (including a little known title call Sonic the hedghog.. you might have heard of it). They're asking him his thoughts on the next wave of systems... and some of his comments come really close to speculation from some of the guys here, about the difficulty and cost of making games for the new systems. Since I have nothing better to do at work, I'll transcribe a bit for you guys :) I threw a couple comments in there myself by the way in case you're wondering about the out of quotes parts:

EGM: "Are you excited about the next gen consoles debuting this year?"

Naka: " I think it is too early. The PS2 and GameCube..." (note he doesn't mention the Xbox... as you all know Xbox was a commercial failure in Japan) "are still both very good platforms. Personally, I don't want the next gen hardware to come out this early, because they will be very difficult and expensive to develop for. Seriously, it might take three times the effort to make one game. With next gen platforms, players will expect games to look as good as CG movies - it will be very difficult. It will be cool when you can play a game that looks like a movie, but there's no way a company will be able to make a game like that in one year.
If fans of a franchise have to wait three years for the next game, that will be a shock to them" Will it? we waited that long and longer for new installments of mario, Zelda, halo, much longer for Metroid, Final Fantasy... heheh well the list goes on and on, the point is lots of major franchises take 3 years to come with sequels. "People who like games want to play them more often these days. Like Half-Life 2 - it took five years to come out! What's next? Will gamers be willing to wait 15 years for a game (sequel)? [Laughs] The father will start programming a game, and he'll have to pass it on to his son to finish it after he dies. on PC right now, there aren't a lof of games being released like there used to be. I think the same thing will happen to consoles: It'll take a lot of time (and money) to develop a top quality game."

I think he's right on some stuff but off the mark on others. I think theres more PC games now than ever. Also it will be companies like ID who make a game engine such as in Doom 3 for years and will than sell it to other companies, resulting in quick dev time. Finally, I've read how games are made (suprise, suprise). So in a game like Doom 3, they start off with a polygon model that is CG quality, say for a character. Than they scale it back from like 50,000 polygons to 5,000 polygons so the system can handle it.

Now with the new consoles, wont they just not scale back those high quality models? Wont this make it easier??? Maybe I'm just totally wrong. :huh:
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THE Launch has been Canceled

"Sony cancels PlayStation 3 briefing
Report: Sony scraps premiere event for its next-generation console previously scheduled for March.

TOKYO--Several months ago, Sony Computer Entertainment announced plans to hold a premiere event in Japan prior to the Electronic Entertainment Expo, where it would unveil its next-generation console, most commonly called the PlayStation 3. Reportedly, the event was scheduled for March, but the month passed by without any invitations going out to members of the Japanese game industry. Today, Reuters Japan is reporting that SCE has officially canceled the event, ending speculation that there would be a surprise announcement tomorrow, the last day of the month.

According to Reuters, SCE originally planned to release general details on the PlayStation 3 in March and then unveil the actual machine in May at E3 in Los Angeles. Sony told Reuters that it decided to cancel the PS3 meeting because it "would pressure game publishers" if held in March, but it left the door open for another pre-E3 event. The company also emphasized that the cancellation is not a sign that the PlayStation 3 development is falling behind, and it still intends to unveil the machine at E3 at the latest. "

Well bad luck EGM.
imagine how many of the new games on the next gen systems will be based off the unreal engine 3!!! it may just be the engine to use if dev costs sky rocket for next next gen games :lol:

and too bad the ps3 event has gotten cancelled! i didn't notice that article in egm, but i did read over the yuji naka interview. what did you think of his cool little lotus! i would love to have an exotic with sonic decals :D
heh well so much for that then... was hoping for some big news in next months EGM with lots of juicy details to digest BEFORE E3 but I guess I'll just have to wait til I see the thing with my own eyes this may :)

Hopefully it wont be some behind-closed-doors BS then I can come write a couple pages of info on the new system for you guys :P
yeah that would be awesome :D the inside scoop hehe, don't forget to take lots of pictures (If your allowed :P)
should be...

in general you are allowed to take pics of everything on exhibit, if the PS3 is only shown behind closed doors or is press only then forget it I wont even get to see it.

another possibility is they'll do like Nintendo did with the DS, which is, it's behind closed doors, but open to anyone, but you have to wait in line to get in to see it... usually its a 3-5 hour wait :(

I took a TON of pics of the PSP exhibits last year for me to drool and obsess over :)
The squeenix booth, last E3, wouldn't let me take pictures of Musashi Samurai Legend for some reason, pissed me off since none of the other booths hada problem with it.