Big Gp32 Feature In New Retro Gamer Magazine


Still Fresh
Dec 16, 2003
Dublin, Ireland
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Retro Gamer has a big emulation feature in their current issue and have devoted a very positive 3/4 page guide to GP32 emulation in which they detail all the best current emulators for the console - they end the feature with a link to this site too, which I thought was pretty cool.

The magazine itself is published in the UK and is an excellant read. It also comes with a coverdisc full with over 100 retro games for PC. Sadly I don't have a scanner, so I can't scan it for those of you outside of Ireland/UK, but maybe someone else can?
I might be turning into a spokesman for the magazine (and straying off-topic), but I've just subscribed to the mag and for just £42 in Europe you get six issues and a free Namco 5-in-one classics console that costs £30 alone.
The GP32 write-up was one of mine, so I'm glad people in the GP community are happy with it! GBAx kindly supplied a backlit GP32 for a competition, although I believe it didn't fit in this issue, so it'll be in the next.

If anybody has trouble finding the mag, you can order online at
Damn, iv'e missed the first issue. But iv'e got a sub now, so that's alright :) +a free namco arcade controller.
i got the first issue and it was rubbish.i just kept the disk cos i had a few games i liked.will probably get the second issue just cos it has gp32 in it.
according to their forum, the second issue will be very different because they took into account people's comments about the first.