Repo suggestion - adding version notes to the interface


Oct 25, 2004
I have a suggestion to improve the interface on the Repo.

How about adding a "Version notes" button next to the existing "Archive" button (as show in the attached picture):


As people update their software, I see many comments asking "What is in the new version?".

This solution would resolve this. I have also shown displaying the most current release notes below the description field (Version notes in my example).

It would be interesting to capture all of the release notes for all of the versions that have been uploaded under the "Version notes" button. This would allow the user the browse the release notes to find a specific feature and then download a specific version from the "Archived" button.

Thanks for all the hard work on the Repo, it is a very important part of our community!
It's a good idea. This would be best implemented as part of the upload process, eg a prompt for the uploader saying "What's new in this version?"

A related piece of feedback on the updating process: When you're updating a PND, it gives you the whole "This PND exists, do you want to overwrite" warning. It seems unnecessarily alarming; if you're updating your own app then chances are the warning is wasted on you, and if it's not your app, you won't have rights anyway.

If the backend sees that you have maintainer rights, it could just say:

You're updating helloworld.pnd from to The previous version will be archived. Click to confirm.

And if you don't have rights:

This application already exists in the repo: http://...
...and maybe something along the lines of "If this is a fork, alter the app ID and descriptions before uploading."

+1 on the thanks, milkshake. Look forward to some of those screen mockups (shown in ITB) coming to fruition some day too.
I can guess milkshake will say "use Additional Info field for that", however I think splitting that info field to several would help and encourage people to provide more info. I think a form like this would be nice:

Starting guide (describe where to put required files to use your program (BIOS, data files), if any):

[ ]

(if updating) What's new in this version?

[ ]

Additional info

[ ]

If field is empty, it would simply not be shown.

The first one could even go to PXML, but people weren't too enthusiastic when I proposed that in mailing list..
The first one could even go to PXML, but people weren't too enthusiastic when I proposed that in mailing list..

Actually, I'd love it to go in the PXML, it's an easy place to nest all the information and not worry about creating extra documents. But I just started porting things to the Pandora and not a serious contributor, yet..
The first one could even go to PXML, but people weren't too enthusiastic when I proposed that in mailing list..

Actually, I'd love it to go in the PXML, it's an easy place to nest all the information and not worry about creating extra documents. But I just started porting things to the Pandora and not a serious contributor, yet..
Not all extra info makes sense to have in the PXML since every addition in the extra info would require a full reupload. Eg it would not make too much sense to mention some "if you do ABC, things will crash" and to reupload some 100MB. But yes, the *generic* information can probably be added in some sane ways to the PXML. The rest should still be done using some plain forms in the webinterface.
Thanks for the suggestions I like gruso's idea/repo alerts, and the idea of asking whats new, though this will make the upload process less streamlined/fast though I guess it shouldnt hurt too much.
Thanks for the suggestions I like gruso's idea/repo alerts, and the idea of asking whats new, though this will make the upload process less streamlined/fast though I guess it shouldnt hurt too much.
Well you already have a "this .pnd exists, overwrite?" screen, could just add a form there I guess.