Release [REPO] Skunks - - New

That code is from an old version, as you can check that looking at the date of posting the sources and the new release of skunks (also you could check the pxml of both versions). You can watch the newer sources attached to this posts. As you can see it is reading steering nub as absolute, you can also steer and watch that the angle of the wheels respond to the nub. The appdata folder deletion is needed since the file joystick stored in /config had been updated (sensibility and deadzone).

I can change everything. But throttle worked like this in the original code. Why this port should not be accurate to the original skunks? Back to steering now, try setting deadzones to zero in appdata/skunks/config/joystick. That way nub events that occur within the deadzone can be registered. I believe that sdl isn't getting events out of every change of the nub. Missing the event of value zero means that the car will remain turning. I will switch the polling to reading nubs instead of waiting for events.


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Ah, I see. Changing the deadzone to 0 did not really change much, but I noticed that steering works as expected when pushing the nub forward or backward. Only if I it just in the x-direction it will not recognize properly when I release it.
Ok, thanks for reporting. I will be soon switching to reading axis values on each iteration. Let me know if the steering=f(speed) function feels right so I can include changes there too in the next release.
New version. Thanks F_Slim, your observation on nubs help me found that events within the deadzone weren't handled at all.
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Good to hear :) . I will test the new version this evening. From the previous one I'd say that the speed-dependance of the steering might be a bit too strong, at least at lower speeds. Maybe it should just start at higher speeds, to make turning the car around a bit easier (which I still have to do quite often :P ). But I will test a bit more with the new version first.
Oha cool,i will try this Game this Evening too :)
In the past tried i to compile this Game too,but i failed.
Nice to see that one got it work:)
I think the controls work pretty well now. At least the basic behaviour is how I'd expect it.

I still think that the speed dependence kicks in too early. When going down a straight at full speed it is pretty good the way it is, but when going through a corner and you start to drift, I feel like it should be possible to bring the car under control again by counter-steering ... but I am hampered by not being able to steer far enough to the other direction. (I could be wrong of course and would loose the car anyways, or even flip it)

And as I already mentioned, when you want to turn around the car (eg. after a spin) the damping starts too early, making it difficult to just turn around.

Anyway, this is just tweaking. Maybe it is even possible to add an option, so the player can adjust to his own taste?

This update is a huge improvement, I think the cars became very drivable and it's now possible to really floor it and reach high speeds. Great work! :)

[EDIT:] Just remember to delete the appdata folder if you had a previous install.
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Thanks Ingoreis! You are very kind for shooting the video. You are also a very lucky man since your car seems to always fall wheels down on the floor  ;)

Thanks F_Slim, seems that finally we are getting somewhere, it's a good idea to have a personal tweaking option.

News on Skunks for Pandora, we have dimag0g joining the effort of improving Skunks. He's an excellent addition for improving/fixing/tweaking the physics here.  
Cool! I wish I could be of more help, but currently I spend most of the little free time I have on my own project (unfortunately with not much success so far, I'm better at having big ideas than at coding it seems :P but it makes me appreciate even more the work behind implementing anything, no matter how basic it may seem at first glance ... it never is!)
I find the steering left and right is little slow and is there another Way to give Drivingenergy as the left Nub?
Was little difficult in normal Courves for me ,but worked how you see on the Video.
When one of you need a new Video or a Video from another Project or Game,write me and i will help :)
Thanks Ingoreis. Steering is still a working feature, so expect changes there. I have tested the game without turning speed limitation and the car looses grip very easily, so limitation is needed. But it has to be done right and it stills need work :( . Thanks again for your video and the offer of making more.
Thanks Ingoreis! About sliding, I think it can't be disable. ODE handles that, though cars can be tweaked to reduce sliding. Dimag0g can give a better answer since he was diving deeper in ODE. We are currently working in a new version. I have nearly no free time and so does Dimag0g, it will take some time to finish this.
Drifting is the most fun part about driving! :lol:
Only for realistic People who like ever the newest Need for Speed,but i am unrealistic ;)

Example in Trackmania is the drifting not sooo strong.

Or in the good old Lotus 1+2+3 drift you not often too.

Short drifting is ok,but long drifting like i not.

I play often Burnout and Burnout Paradise too.

I loooove unrealistic Car Races.

And now the best example :....:......:...... Rollcage (so funny) ^_^

When i want to drive left or right,dont want i to slide foward.

And because this ever use the Brake?

Using the Break is no Fun,using the Gas Pedal is Fun :lol:
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Just saying, I find myself returning to this bi-daily for the past months :) don´t know why: It´s just recreating to drive around in real physics without "missions" or time stress. Just wanted to tell you, @Gausen, I enjoy this a lot :)