Repair process and backlog


Advanced Member
Sep 7, 2010
Hi ED,

I was wondering what your repair backlog is currently and how many repairs you still have to do and what process you have in place now.

Checked your new site yesterday and logged into my account, didn't see any reference to my repair (+ case upgrade).

I thought you had a new tracking system? Or was that only for your internal process? I got a confirmation that you received the Pandora August 1st.

I don't mind waiting for repairs as long as I know the repair is still pending, not forgotten, and there is some clue when it will be done.

If I need to wait for another month, no worries, but yeah.. just like to be informed :)

Thanks for answering :)
Still waiting for mine since July. Ended up buying a rebirth edition off ebay.

We dont have a choice but to be patient i'm afraid
I am patient but I think it would be a good idea to give the customers an idea of the time it will take to receive their repaired units. If it will take a couple of months so be it, but like to know upfront so I don't open my mailbox daily with anticipation.
Yeah, I totally agree with you.

I bought my first pandora from ebay and after two weeks of play my lcd started to develop a fault with purple colours. It was the first batch so I sent it in for repair. It was only after a few weeks or so I got an email stating that it has arrived and will be repaired asap. In that time i decided to buy myself a rebirth edition and saw one on ebay. paid out ANOTHER £250 for it. Glad I did because I still havent got my other first batch pandora back yet and probably never will.
Well, got 21 left to fix, and fixing isn't easy all the time.

Sometimes you need 1 hour for one unit...

I'll try to work on those the full next week.
Well, got 21 left to fix, and fixing isn't easy all the time.

Sometimes you need 1 hour for one unit...

I'll try to work on those the full next week.

I understand your situation and wasn't trying to force you into doing anything, just liked to know how much time you usually need to repair a Pandora. Don't want to see you create a backlog somewhere else.

Personally I think a standard repair leadtime of 2 months is reasonable. If you tell customers that upfront you will have them shut up for at least 2 months :)

Glad I did because I still havent got my other first batch pandora back yet and probably never will.

If ED has it in repairs and received it I am sure he will handle it. Never has seen any compaint about his service. It can take a while though ;)
Received the Pandora today, nice and silver! New case looks great!

Still need to pay though, can you provide a paypal address ED or IM me the details? Your store is not really suited for the not regular payments.

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My experience was quite ok!

Repair process durations:

5 transport to repair center + 7 return to customer = 12 days of transport

4 analysis + 10 vacation + 2 final repair = 16 days in queue & repair

Total repair duration = 28 days

Repair process log:

2012-08-22 Customer posts the parcel in Vienna, AT — via Hermes Parcel Service

2012-08-27 Parcel arrives at OpenPandora, Ingolstadt, DE

2012-08-30 Reaction from Askarus: Repair yet to complicated for him, must get ED's advice. Askarus goes on vacation. Will coordinate with ED and repair after the vacation.

2012-08-11 Pandora gets repaired

2012-08-12 OpenPandora posts the parcel in Ingolstadt, DE — via German Post

2012-09-18 Failed delivery attempt to customer in Vienna, AT

2012-09-19 Pickup at post office in Vienna, AT