Reminiscence-flashback Engine For Gp2x, V0.1 Beta

Thank you, thank you, thankyou!!!! Excellent 1 of my all time favorite games.

-Audio runs fast (I know your working on)
-Graphical Glitchs in cut scenes, where objects appear flat lines
-L + R crashes my GP2x instead of terminating the app
-Savestate or keyboard input of passwords (I know your working on)

same problems here but game plays excellently.
Thanks, Rlyeh, this game is great!

About other games to port:
I'm not sure who ported Another World to the gp32, but could you please port it to the gp2x as well? :P

* playing with the volume while cutscenes turns off sound.
* gfx glitches in cutscenes
* START-button for game start also cancels beginning intro (the short one where the cube falls down)
* inventar menu, cut scenes and the like don't wait for button release (de-bounce)
* L+R reset does not work, but freezes gp2x

some ideas:
* readme with 54-characters per line so it is readable in the gp2x ebook viewer
* volume controll

anyway nice port rlyeh! keep up the good work!
Rlyeh you rock! Haven't tested the version currently released but I've had a little fun playing the alpha build you gave out to a select few... hope this one fixes a few of the sound bugs like the sounds delays and stuff...

keep up the good work mate, can't wait to see the source, see if I can get my head around any of it :D Gonna start some stuff with your minilib sometime soon as it's starting to look nice :D
Little Help!!!

I have place the data folder from the game in the root with the rs files. When I load RS I get a white box in the middle of the screen. This fills and then nothing. Please if some one can see what i'm doing wrong. Please lend a hand.
Little Help!!!

I have place the data folder from the game in the root with the rs files. When I load RS I get a white box in the middle of the screen. This fills and then nothing. Please if some one can see what i'm doing wrong. Please lend a hand.

yeah i got that if you leave it for a few seconds then press a button it goes to a cutscene the problem i have is when it starts the game i'm unable to do anything i don't see the charater and it just says code: bantha at the top of the screen :(
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Feel free to drop your feedback/suggestions before I move to another project... this one is 98% FINISHED :-)
feedback=Excellent job, thanks so much! This is the most played game on my gp2x so far.

Suggestions= add save states and volume control

Would that project happen to start with an f? (and end with -day? :P )
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