Remeber Head over Heels

i was happy to see this, but the remake has flaws which completely ruin it for me

luckily gp32 owners can fully play the spectrum, c64 and st versions of this game all versions having there own bonuses, spectrum one having some room changes, c64 for the music and st for the graphics
It looks nice, but is it any decent fun worth having on the GP32, or is it just for nostalgic purposes only, 'cause I've never played this before..

Also, venom388, have you even played it yet? It might look cutesy but it's the gameplay that counts, not how "gay" it appears. Same for any other game (let's not forget Wind Waker or the Kirby series ;))
The game is truly great :D But Is it worth making a port when there is a nice ST version with nice graphics?..