Recommended C64 Games?


Tales From The Big Room
Jan 1, 2004
Essex, England
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It's what... coming up to mid 2004 and i've only just started playing Commodore 64 games and started exploring emulation for it. I was expecting ZX Spectrum quality but it really is something far more than that.

Just like my growing obsession with the PC Engine, i'm starting to get heavily addicted to the C64 (Notably S.T.U.N. Runner and Turbo Outrun)

So... I was wondering what games you would personally recommend for C64?
Well great games to try are Rygar R-type (the c64 version is cool i like it better than pc engine 1) bad dudes vs dragon ninja

internationl soccer (the cart isnt dumped so its named something els for the tape version)

also checkout the orignal giana sisters on the c64 its great :)

hmm green beret (not spelled right i dont think?)

also try buggy boy its a cool lil driving game and if u want the best driving games in the 80's try test drive ;)

also garfield and pink panther is good

lots of games to many to remember :blink: Beemrider was a nice game :)

check out the site for screenshots and reviews

hope i helped :)


My personal fav game is Wizard of wor (its wor not war) this was a great arcade game and the c64 version is just sooo fun :)
c64 rawks...

Simply the best games were;
Turrican 1/2 and Paradroid - but these don't work so well on frodo.

best frodo friendly games IMHO;
Rainbow Islands (i still suck at it, but it's one of those games that keeps you coming back)
Chomp (it's stupid, but i love addictive),
Blue max
Paralaxx (paralexx?)
Stix (or Quix)
Uridium (and Uridium +)
Bombjack (yes, i can still do the 1st round in the correct order)
Oh... Speedball2, though there are better versions for GP32, castaway for example is prettier.

Have fun! C=
NiN^_^NiN posted on Apr 16 2004 at 02:44 AM said:
My personal fav game is Wizard of wor (its wor not war) this was a great arcade game and the c64 version is just sooo fun :)
OH wow, I second that, I haven't even gone looking for WoW yet! Thats was a great game, probably the first real deathmatch game i played too...

...well sorta.
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r0lf posted on Apr 16 2004 at 01:07 PM said:
NiN^_^NiN posted on Apr 16 2004 at 02:44 AM said:
My personal fav game is Wizard of wor (its wor not war) this was a great arcade game and the c64 version is just sooo fun :)
OH wow, I second that, I haven't even gone looking for WoW yet! Thats was a great game, probably the first real deathmatch game i played too...

...well sorta.
I know i loved it im actually building a mini arcade cab with WoW inside it :D

Im tossed up between arcade or c64

arcade has better graphics but i love the c64 version soooo much

Also try boulderdash :) very very fun

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checkout they have a wicked site with loads of reviews, or, you could check out the 2 reviews I wrote in this forum.....

Turrican rules!

- works perfect on my gp
the best C64 game(s) are the Monty Mole games - but not Wanted: Monty Mole. Play Monty On The Run, then Auf Weidersehn Monty. Great games.

Don't bother playing bombjack - play the speccy version instead...or the Gameboy.
My all time C64 lovers :

Great Gianna Sisters
Defender of the Crown
To Bee on Top
Skate or Die
Last Ninja 1
Yie ar Kung Fu 1+2

If i could i would buy these Games again...
Thanks for all the suggested games guys. :D

I'll definately have to try R-Type, seeing as I loved the PC Engine version of that.

Speedball 2 i've got on Castaway. :) Same with Rainbow Islands and Test Drive... Though if it runs any faster on the C64 i'll give it a try!
R-Type is good, but extremely hard on the C64 - if you want some quality shoot em up action, play KATAKIS (aka Denaris) and ARMALYTE and then try ENFORCER

they rock my socks off
paradroid is ok... :P

try also:

spy hunter
ghost'n'goblins (!)
bubble bobble (c64 version is my fav)
H.E.R.O (acclaim arcade game, 'dark cave' is a better remake)
tower of terror (really great game but relativly unknown...)
and david's midnight magic (its my fav pinball game)

and its never too late to start playing C64...
Some of my faves are:-

Rescue on Fractalus
Poster Paster
Bruce Lee
Pitstop 2
Bubble Bobble
Mr Do
Impossible Mission
Hunters Moon
The Bards Tale 1,2,3

and about 10,000 more :D
:lol: Ok, my list of favourites so far are...

Turbo Outrun (Plays well, minimal loading times on Frodo aswell.)
IK+ (VERY fun.)
Power Drift (I like the music)
S.T.U.N. Runner (I was a huge fan of the arcade game, and this conversion seems to play just the same.)
Outrun Europa (Very difficult but I really like this.)

I'm soon to try out Turrican 2 after reading Frolik's review.

Also, I'd like to see how the C64 handled Wizball seeing that being mentioned, as I had the legitimate version of this for the Atari ST when I owned one :D

I can't get Frodo to like my version of R-Type, so i'm gonna try downloading another and trying that. I also saw Last Ninja 1 mentioned... Last Ninja 2 worth playing?
My faves at the moment (and they change all the time :P )

Turrican 2
H.E.R.O (addictive, twitch gameplay)
Giana Sisters
Lady tut
Batty (cool arkanoid clone)

I think I could safely entertain myself my years if Frodo was the only emu I had on my GP32 :D
You've got to try Up and Down. It's one of my fav games that hasn't already been mentioned and has that annoying "oh no I'm dead, I'll just try again" hooks to it.
Just got the .sid file for R-Type.

Does anyone else prefer the C64 music to the original or is it just me?

((Thanks for the lists by the way. :D I'm slowly getting to trying all the suggestions out.))