Re-order Confirmation

Eight Bit

Hardcore Member
Nov 16, 2008
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Visit site
Good day!
The day I received the refund I re-ordered by making a bank transfer with my original order number in the comment box. Upto now I haven't received a confirmation that the payment has been received- or has been registered on my original order number yet.
Am I supposed to receive a new confirmation email or something at all? Have any of you received one?
good question - i too also re-ordered today so hopefully we will get a confirmation email :)
when i re-ordered via bank transfer i fired off an email to open pandora to say that i'd done so. they said they would send me a confirmation later in the day, but 2 days later when it hadnt arrived i emailed them to double check. then they replied about 30 minutes later to say they had received the payment.
Eight Bit said:
Good day!
The day I received the refund I re-ordered by making a bank transfer with my original order number in the comment box. Upto now I haven't received a confirmation that the payment has been received- or has been registered on my original order number yet.
Am I supposed to receive a new confirmation email or something at all? Have any of you received one?

I did the same thing (and did not send them an email) on a Saturday and recieved an email saying this

"Just to let you know we have received your Bank Transfer and this has now been matched with your original order."

on the Monday (2 days later)

Hope this helps

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Seems that there are 12 +/- people who have decided to cancel their pre-orders. Will these Pandoras be used for parts or will they be put up for sale?
CandidStan said:
Seems that there are 12 +/- people who have decided to cancel their pre-orders. Will these Pandoras be used for parts or will they be put up for sale?
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If you send the funds via band transfer it can take up to 5 days to appear. Sometimes 7 for international.

However, there are a few banks in the UK which are part of a new scheme where transfers go in the same day to other participating banks, pretty sure barclays and HSBC are definitely part of the scheme.