Raspberry Pi - 25 Dollar PC on a USB stick

Mine just arrived, but the PSU hasn't. Also got the T-Shirt (the pi was wrapped up in it).
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Mine arrived yesterday :) great little thing... not had much play time yet.. but the weekend is upon me :)

iprice: Do you have a regular android charger? or a blackberry charger ( 5v 700ma ) thats what i`m using :)
I got mail saying it's been shipped so I'm expecting mine to arrive Monday now
Mine arrived yesterday :) great little thing... not had much play time yet.. but the weekend is upon me :)

iprice: Do you have a regular android charger? or a blackberry charger ( 5v 700ma ) thats what i`m using :)
No and no. I do have loads of other chargers, but the PSU should be here soon. I probably won't have time to have a play with it for a week or so anyway, so I'm not that worried.
I got back from my vacation earlier, to find my RPi waiting for me. :D

I won't have the time to mess with it for a couple of weeks, though, as I need to get an extra HDMI cable, and the holiday stretched my budget a teeny bit. :lol:
I won't have the time to mess with it for a couple of weeks, though, as I need to get an extra HDMI cable, and the holiday stretched my budget a teeny bit. :lol:

See if you can find £0.99 down the back of the sofa Edit : Looks like that deal is over, see if you can find an extra 2p for this one.

Don't be conned into paying more than a couple of quid for an HDMI cable, I can see no difference in picture quality between a cable bought at poundworld (for £1) and a cable a friend paid £30 for on the recommendation of their 'friendly expert' at a local tv shop.
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Indeed - I've spent £2 on a HDMI cable and got exactly the same performance out of it as using my Dad's £20 cable. eBay has very good deals on HDMI cables.
Oh, I know that, chaps. :P I'd just rather leave it 'til next month, since I'll have the time for it then. No sense in getting things together right now.
Oh, I know that, chaps. :P I'd just rather leave it 'til next month, since I'll have the time for it then. No sense in getting things together right now.

Hope you're going to do your usual in depth write up.
Probably not - I don't really have the time at the moment, I'm afraid (I haven't even got much time for working on my current sewing project, either, and that's a lot more important :lol: ).

That, and I'll just be using it to make a little server for moving things around the house without USB flash-drives (just because I can, practicality be damned!), which is probably trivial for most folks around here (but new to me). :P

I will say, though, that I really like the little box that it came in - I plan to cut holes in the sides of it for access to the ports.
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Mine turned up. All the parts I need for the case have arrived too (the plan has changed since I bought the picture box thing), and my HTPC parts are still a week or two away. So I should be able to get playing with the RPi straight away.
My case is roughly together. Lots of finishing work to be done (final version probably won't include blu-tack) and I'm not using the proper power plug yet.


Album: http://imgur.com/a/f3PBJ
Nice casing choice! :D

I trust that you're putting the 2600-on-a-Chip that was originally in it to good use? ;)
Nice casing choice! :D

I trust that you're putting the 2600-on-a-Chip that was originally in it to good use? ;)
I bought a non-working unit for the purpose (extra cheap of course), so the internals have received a proper burial. In a box in the bin *cough*

The original power switch has been assigned to Pi duties though. Final result:


Album (much the same as the last one): http://imgur.com/a/U8Nds

Cable management courtesy of blu-tack. And my first use of Sugru for mounting the USB hub (and tidying up the awful hole I made in the back for the ports).