Rare Gems


Mar 2, 2003
Has anybody played any rare gems to recommend for the emulators for the gp32.

Some rare gems I found:-


Monkey Puncher - a Boxing\monkey management game(GBC)

Total Soccer 2000 - a cross between Kick Off and Sensible soccer but the AI was a little cack but great for the hardcore footy fans. (Player manager seemed pretty good as well)

Snoopy Tennis(Not rare) - very Smooth tasty tennis game

Master System\game gear

Chicago - Some gangsta type adventure game..

Shining force series - had to mention it - excellent rpg but there are english versions available

PC Engine

Formation Soccer(its not rare but I'd give a mention) - Basically PC Engines version of snes Super Soccer.

Gunhed - I don't like shoot em ups but this was good

So Please tell me some of yours..
bloody wolf
Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball Bu Soccer PC Hen
pc genjin3

river city ransom
River city ransom - Yeah thats dead good

How good is the nes emulator anyway? speed\sound wise?
Unfortunately, several of my favorite nes games don't want to work on the nes emulator. River City Ransom is one of those games. Solar Jetman, Super DodgeBall and Crystalis are three others that don't work.

Of course, it could just be my particular copies of the roms, but they do all work on Nester on my PC. Has anyone else gotten these to work on the GP32?

This is one of the weak points of the emulator. The compatibility isn't the best. However, nes emulators have always had compatibility problems.

The other thing lacking is the sound. It's usually off enough to be rather annoying, so I usually turn it off.

Graphics and speed both seem ok to me on most games though.

Back to the topic of this thread, Cadash and Devil's Crush for the TG16 are excellent. There are lots of other games which look interesting for the TG16, but are in Japanese, so I can't figure out what they're about.
on the nes how about super mario 3 awsome

pc engine r-type,outrun,ordyne,alien crush,any of the bonk games,dondokodon,galaga 88-90,twin cobra,tatsujin,adventure island,new zealand story,parasol stars,raiden,shinobi,salamander,gradius,tonma.
im very biased towards the engine only as its just a supreme little machine in its own right.i hated nec for never bringing this machine to the uk shores
i had to pay high prices for imports,games are very expansive for this machine,

master system
wonder boy series,alex kid series,sonic series

spectrum many classics jet set willy, manic miner,head over heals,monty mole series,and the dizzy collection,chuckie egg :)

c64 mainly the same as speccy

snes mario series, final fantasy series,chrono trigger,terranigma,secret of mana or any squaresoft game
--Well I was hoping for rare gems - not the most obvious classic games - some less discovered games..
timthepig posted on Mar 10 2003 said:
PC Engine

Gunhed - I don't like shoot em ups but this was good
very very good...!

also worthy of note are it's sequels, Super Star Soldier & Final Soldier...(these PC Engine games alongside Gunhed are among the main reasons for getting my GP32)

these games are also prequels to the mighty Super Aleste on the SNES (which i hope someday, will be emulated perfectly on the machine!)

in anticipation of getting my GP32, i went through my PC Engine roms on the weekend and found the following gems (many for nostalgic reasons too :P )

Outrun, Rtype 1, Shinobi, Super Star Soldier, Vigilante, Chase HQ, Bomberman, Bonk, Gunhed, New Zealand Story, Ninja Warrior,
Turrican, Air Zonk, Parasol Stars, Ninja Gaiden, Bikkuriman World (Wonderboy In Monsterland), Galaga 88, Columns, Ghouls'n'Ghosts,
Final Soldier, Takahashi Mejin No Shin Bok (Wonderboy), Tora No E Mishi (Capcom scroller), Aero Burner, Pacland, Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition

i hope they all work :o (although i did hear the game i wanna play more than anything, Street Fighter 2 doesn't work :( )
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Vanguard posted on Mar 10 2003 said:
Unfortunately, several of my favorite nes games don't want to work on the nes emulator. River City Ransom is one of those games. Solar Jetman, Super DodgeBall and Crystalis are three others that don't work.
It seems Super Dodgeball doesn't work on any emulator, because the PC engine version is mega stuttery/flickery. Could this be a scrolling problem?

Maaan, I love that game.
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