Random file corruption in Mousepad


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
So, I was using Mousepad (the built-in text-editor) to work on a piece of writing, and when I saved the (thankfully, minor) changes I had made to it, the file ended up being corrupted. The text file affected by this isn't very large at this time, and I hadn't done anything unusual - this occurred shortly after booting the Pandora.

After saving the file, the next thing I knew my entire card had been mounted as read-only, and the file I had been working on was blank (removing the corrupted file fixed the read-only issue, of course). I had this happen a couple of times before back on Hotfix 4, but I'm now using Hotfix 5. My SD Card is formatted as FAT32, and is a 32GB Class 6 card from Verbatim.

Thankfully I'm quite good with my backups, so nothing much was lost aside from a couple of small corrections to the work. However, I can see this becoming a big problem if it persists!

Has anyone else come across this, and are there any workarounds?
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The read-only mounts also happened to me a few times. My SD card was randomly mounted and remounted in write and read-only mode. I reformatted the card (using a different OS) and freshly installed everything. Haven't had any problems with the card again so far. I can't say anything about Verbatim or whether the manufacturer really matters. I use a Sandisk micro sd.
Thanks for responding. However, as stated, I already know how to fix the read-only mounting issue; It can happen because of corrupted files - in this case, the file being randomly corrupted by Mousepad. I noted my card type for the sake of thoroughness, in case it helps in narrowing down what's going wrong. :)

The problem is, it's a bit beyond me how to get Mousepad to not corrupt things like this. :lol:
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Next time it happens, a full output of "dmesg" might indicate what exactly went wrong. Obviously the file became corrupt for some reason while you were editing it, but it's hard to say why.

Are you able to get this to happen with any kind of consistency, or did it just happen the once and you've never been able to do it again?
^ No consistency at all, unfortunately. It seems to be completely random. :(

This is the first time it's happened in a while, so I don't know what happened back on Hotfix 4, either.

EDIT: No, wait, come to think of it, this isn't exclusive to Mousepad. I've consistently come across it when taking screenshots and copying them from the NAND, where they're fine, onto my SD Card. I can get that to happen every time, and I end up having to take the Pandora online to just e-mail the screenshot to myself, instead.
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EDIT: No, wait, come to think of it, this isn't exclusive to Mousepad. I've consistently come across it when taking screenshots and copying them from the NAND, where they're fine, onto my SD Card. I can get that to happen every time, and I end up having to take the Pandora online to just e-mail the screenshot to myself, instead.

You didn't get your SD card from ebay did you? :P

My only suggestion is to try a different SD card, the logic for that is nobody else seems to be reporting these issues & the unique part of the equation is the SD card.
You didn't get your SD card from ebay did you? :P
Hahahaha, absolutely not. :lol:

My only suggestion is to try a different SD card, the logic for that is nobody else seems to be reporting these issues & the unique part of the equation is the SD card.
Nobody else was reporting the .aufs.xino thing (and the other leftover bits from the union mount) either, at one point, though, and then a rash of people did. :P

Anyway, I will try, but I work on this thing in spare moments, and having to change my SD Cards around before I can even start will probably take the flow out of it a bit, unfortunately...

I'll try to get a dmesg output from the suspiciously similar, and very consistent, issue I mentioned with the screenshots, later, too, just in case it's useful. :P
You didn't get your SD card from ebay did you? :P
Hahahaha, absolutely not. :lol:

My only suggestion is to try a different SD card, the logic for that is nobody else seems to be reporting these issues & the unique part of the equation is the SD card.
Nobody else was reporting the .aufs.xino thing (and the other leftover bits from the union mount) either, at one point, though, and then a rash of people did. :P

Anyway, I will try, but I work on this thing in spare moments, and having to change my SD Cards around before I can even start will probably take the flow out of it a bit, unfortunately...

I'll try to get a dmesg output from the suspiciously similar, and very consistent, issue I mentioned with the screenshots, later, too, just in case it's useful. :P

Mousepad issues? ....You were writing about Megaman again weren't you? :rolleyes: It's the Robots and Ninja's naturally... Your Pandora just cant take it anymore, like Marvin.

Your already author of the trilogy of philosophical blockbusters 'Where MegaMan Went Wrong', 'Some More of MegaMan's Greatest Mistakes' and 'Who is this MegaMan Person Anyway?'. Plus have lately used the "Open Sourced Pandora argument" as a basis for a fourth book, titled 'Well, That About Wraps It Up For MegaMan on a single platform'.

Rumour's given further reference , have you to be finished working on a a further reference title by 'Prometheus' about sex, called 'Everything You Never Wanted to Know About MegaMan during Sex But Have Been Forced to Find Out' (first mentioned in 'The Pandorian Guide' to 'The Que at the End of the Universe').

It's okay, we're all friends here and we look forward to your aspergic re-tellings of the conquests of the supreme god head of Mega, in his shining brilliance, immaculately conceived of the Dr Light father figure (women excluded as usual) against the darkness of Dr Wily's exploits, born again also, numerous times, in varying quality of a central message of.. just mess with the robots in society wherever there is oppression or injustice and win... yay!

Your are being an aufs.xinomentioningist here aswell (totally a word, like shutupmariopandio) , in that you mean 'a rash of a person' :P Namely (shutupmariopandio)

For the screenshots corrupting in copying from nand to SD, why do you not modify the screenshot script, to point to an SD card location to save the issue and the hassle?


fbgrab ~/screen`date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S`.png

notify-send snapsnap


fbgrab /media/<SD CARD NAME>/<FOLDER OF CHOICE>/screen`date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S`.png

notify-send <MEGAMAN>

Disclaimer :

The Mega Man Knowledge Base is not affiliated nor claims authorship or credit for the various works made by Prometheus. Any images uploaded here are uploaded under Fair use laws for the purpose of demonstration and documentation on the MMKB's main subject. All credit goes to Prometheus..
Mousepad issues? ....You were writing about Megaman again weren't you? :rolleyes:
Actually, yes... :P

I mentioned wanting to work on this in another thread a while ago (see the paragraph about the keyboard), and now I'm actually giving it a go. I don't know if I'll manage it, but if I don't try, I'll never know! :P

For the screenshots corrupting in copying from nand to SD, why do you not modify the screenshot script, to point to an SD card location to save the issue and the hassle?


fbgrab ~/screen`date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S`.png

notify-send snapsnap


fbgrab /media/<SD CARD NAME>/<FOLDER OF CHOICE>/screen`date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S`.png

notify-send <MEGAMAN>
I honestly never thought to do that! The trouble is, I can imagine the same corruption happening. :lol: I'll give it a look when I've got a moment.
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Just a quick update here (if you can call it that); I'm not sure how to get any meaningful information for tracking this down, as it usually only tends to become apparent after shutting the Pandora down so I can remove the card. (I haven't come across the problem again today, thankfully, at least.)

Any ideas, anyone?
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Just a quick update here (if you can call it that); I'm not sure how to get any meaningful information for tracking this down, as it usually only tends to become apparent after shutting the Pandora down so I can remove the card. (I haven't come across the problem again today, thankfully, at least.)

Any ideas, anyone?


Try to mount your card with -sync until this gets fixed, you will cover yourself for lightweight write usage, I got a class 10 64GB card and I have lots of problems too.

Any pointers on how to do that, please? ;) I am a Linux user, but I've never had any cause to know how to do that before now.

I'm glad I'm not the only one having issues with fast cards. (I'm sure people thought I was crazy with the .aufs.xino thing until other people starting getting it, too. :lol: )
I also just recently switched to a Class 10 32GB card, and when I transferred all my files from my old card to my new one, a bunch of ROMs got corrupted, and possibly some other files.
Just a quick update here (if you can call it that); I'm not sure how to get any meaningful information for tracking this down, as it usually only tends to become apparent after shutting the Pandora down so I can remove the card. (I haven't come across the problem again today, thankfully, at least.)

Any ideas, anyone?


Try to mount your card with -sync until this gets fixed, you will cover yourself for lightweight write usage, I got a class 10 64GB card and I have lots of problems too.


Forgot what I said, I have found that it fails also mounted with sync, but it simply stops reading/writing without giving any errors (probably waiting to finish a write operation that won't end). If you want to give it a run check out how to edit fstab or the mount command. Keep in mind that mounting with sync may reduce a lot your SD card life too if you are continuously writing to it.

Btw, I am almost 100% sure that it is a driver problem so it can be fixed in the future. Until then we must probably resign.
Forgot what I said, I have found that it fails also mounted with sync, but it simply stops reading/writing without giving any errors (probably waiting to finish a write operation that won't end). If you want to give it a run check out how to edit fstab or the mount command. Keep in mind that mounting with sync may reduce a lot your SD card life too if you are continuously writing to it.

Btw, I am almost 100% sure that it is a driver problem so it can be fixed in the future. Until then we must probably resign.

I'm inclined to think that it's a driver issue, also (I have this vague recollection of an issue with the driver being mentioned somewhere, but I can't remember where I read it, right now). For the time being, I'm saving multiple copies of the work, and checking that they open again before closing Mousepad once I finish writing (then I make backups of the most-current one at the end of the day). It'll do for now. :lol: