This path should be the correct one *crosses fingers* /home/yourusername/Applications/Settings/xfce4/desktop/icons.screen0.rc
These file are regenerated from pxml files every time an card is inserted (and at boot time). you need an ovr editor (minimenu)I edited the desktop files in /usr/share/applications to resort some things in the menu. Like moving grsync to Network.
When I reboot though I lose the settings. Am I editing the wrong files?
These file are regenerated from pxml files every time an card is inserted (and at boot time). you need an ovr editor (minimenu)![]()
These file are regenerated from pxml files every time an card is inserted (and at boot time). you need an ovr editor (minimenu)![]()
I tried the OVR editor at the repo but it does nothing when I click the app to run it.
Any other OVR Editors? very much would like such an app.