Release Random Cowsay and "The Devil's Dictionary"

Aug 20, 2010
While waiting for production to start on Batch 2, I decided to do something silly this weekend.

Cowsay is awesome, because it's cows saying stuff. Fortune is cool, because it can display stuff. You can combine the two by giving fortune's output to cowsay:

cowsay `fortune`

As much fun as that is, the cows got kinda boring after a while. So, I decided to make cowsay_random, which produces a random cow every time. The fortunes got boring too, so I decided to transform The Devil's Dictionary into fortune format.

Now, by adding a line to my ~/.bashrc, I can have random cows saying hilarious things every time I open a console:

cowsay_random -W 80 `fortune`


( How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on. )



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In that case... (without the Devil's Dictionary) :p

< Avoid reality at all costs. >


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Can we please incorporate this into the factory firmware image?

Let me know if any licensing issues come up (cowsay_random is GPL3+ or the standard cowsay licensing terms, at your discretion; while The Devil's Dictionary itself is public domain, my adding "%" between lines didn't change that fact), otherwise, go right ahead.