Anyone remember the weird experiment?

GP32 Kirby

May 30, 2003
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I cant remember who did this, but does anyone remember this person deciding to chill his GP32 in his fridge and got his GP32 runnin at 166MHz for awhile? Well it had me thinking...

If someone knew how to make some sort of cooling unit or something to make the GP32 relatively cold (but not too cold) for the CPU to run then we may all have 166MHz GP32's. Ok I know it sounds like a stupid idea and perhaps someone has suggested this before, but hey, every great thing made started out with an idea, so maybe, just maybe, this is no exception :)

Oh, and on a related note, I recall back last week when I left my GP32 by the window (while it was wide open) for a few days. When I picked it up to put stuff into my GP32 it was freezing, so I quickly decided to run GPDoom at Looney speed (166MHz) and it was actually working for 15 seconds. I tried again another time but I kept getting a garbled screen on bootup (didnt wait as long for it to cool by the window, I guess :P)
the factor that limitates overclocking is actually the ram not the cpu. i think i heard that the cpu is a 188MHz cpu, but the ram freezes when its overclocked.
i dunno if the ram gets to hot or whatever but trust me the limitating factor IS the ram and NOT the cpu :P
Yea I was told it was the Ram as well, I think the CPU can get to 180mhz ( or 186, 188mhz can't remember)

I think someone Upgraded the Ram in one didn't they??
yea someone from i think. but there.s an issue with the bios it doesn't recognize the ram to well i think. don't beat me up if i'm wrong :P
Yes, i remember the guy that put his GP32 in the freezer, I also remember that it never worked since. ;)
Yeah.. he froze it in the freezer then literally fried it in the microwave

Mmmm.. fried GP32 in BBQ sause... :P
It was just a joke.

However, I will be queueing a few days for the Return of the King tickets, and here in Sweden it is mighty cold. Hence I expect to be playing in several degrees below zero for quite a while, might as well check if it overclocks higher then. It currently just overclocks to 160Mhz.

The culprit of the joke was ste_167, and I thought it was the funniest thing ever posted at gp32x, with the exception of Meonlyeviler's old gp32 warez site. The joke had a great delivery in three parts: guy freezes GP32 for speed, guy attempts to microwave GP32 for recovery, and finally guy grieves at the loss of his fubar'ed GP32.
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