Radio Shack 3v 1a External Power Supply?

May 13, 2008
Bernie Sanders' Land
Hello All,

My GP2X is at the post office.

I went to Radio Shack to scope out a power supply and couldn't find a 3.3 V only 3V.

Will this harm the unit? Will the unit work on this much power?

Any input would be greatly appreciated, I dropped physics and took knitting...


Mjlink said:
According to the wiki, 1A is AOK
I'm sure the wiki is somewhat dated, probably also more for the F100. My F200 power supply, as Manjuu pointed you to in that thread, reads 3.3V 2A. Less than that may cause potential stability issues. Consider all the discussion around batteries and I'd be inclined to say that less than 2A "may" cause some problems. I run batteries from 2200mA to 2700mA, but have never tried anything below 2A. If you do get it, please report your success with it. Unless, of course, someone else who reads this can attest to their 1A adapter.
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Mjlink said:
Hello All,

My GP2X is at the post office.

I went to Radio Shack to scope out a power supply and couldn't find a 3.3 V only 3V.

Will this harm the unit? Will the unit work on this much power?

Any input would be greatly appreciated, I dropped physics and took knitting...



you should be fine with that power supply.

i have the radio shack digital camera power supply, the 3~7.5v 2.0A version, and the 3v selection works fine (even though yours is 1A, it should work fine.

the part number on the one i have is CAT.NO.273-1696

it also works fine with the cradle when switched to 5v. i have like a box full of extra power adapters from various old things (scanners, hubs, phones, etc) and i found a 5v 3A adapter that works fine with my cradle. sad thing is i paid like $30 for this radio shack multi adapter and i've got quite a few 3v, 2A adapters that would have worked if i just took the time to look first.

oh well, it always pays to be a pack rat :)
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Radio Shack is a ripoff. THey were charging some ridiculous amount for the power supply, and they wanted over 20 dollars for an S-video to composite adaptor. I went over to Fry's the next day and got a better power supply for less than half the price RS was asking, and the exact same video component for 3 dollars. :rolleyes:

If you have a Fry's close to you, check them out. The one around here has absolutely terrible customer service, I don't even bother calling. The guy told me the component I was asking for didn't even exist, so he wouldn't go check. And they have different stock than the website.
Radio Shack is probably a rip off.

It was just easy.

I want to report on the Radio Shack
model 273-1696
3-7 .5VDC 2000mA

It includes adapters A, B, H

It works for both the Cradle and Unit

I upgraded firmware with 3v 2A setting AOK, unit appears to be working good.

As far as the cradle, you have to change the voltage to 5 and reverse the polarity.

You'll also need the Purple tip that doesn't come with the unit.

Seems like 2A is good


Danks Always

Mjlink said:
Radio Shack is probably a rip off.

It was just easy.

I want to report on the Radio Shack
model 273-1696
3-7 .5VDC 2000mA

It includes adapters A, B, H

It works for both the Cradle and Unit

I upgraded firmware with 3v 2A setting AOK, unit appears to be working good.

As far as the cradle, you have to change the voltage to 5 and reverse the polarity.

You'll also need the Purple tip that doesn't come with the unit.

Seems like 2A is good


Danks Always


yeah i've got the same one you mention (i posted above, 273-1696), and it does work just fine with the f200 and the cradle (with appropriate voltages).

most people probably have extra adapters laying around that will work also (i have a big box full of old adapters from various electronics i no longer have or use) and i found one that works great with my cradle and my f200.

just have to make sure the polarity is correct.
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