Quick Question about a linux game


Still Fresh
Apr 26, 2011
Hey guys,

This is my first post. I will hopefully be receiving my pandora in around a week but I have a quick question:

When I went to the website of one of my favorite games ever made DoomRL (http://doom.chaosforge.org/)

I realized that there was a linux port of it. It is a very small and non-resource intensive game and was wondering

if that means my pandora will be able to run it?

I apologize if this is a foolish question as I am so much a newb I don't even have my system yet.

Thanks alot guys.
First off; Welcome to the community :)

Second; there is no such thing as a foolish question, if you need help ask away.

and third; that game does not appear to be open source, but if it runs on the doom engine it may work (I'm not too sure about that).
quake 3 runs if that gives you some idea what it can do, and there is a doom engine, whether this is supported, is beyond me. and welcome to the community. sit on your roof and grab a vodka
it's not a doom remake guys, well not in the traditional sense as it's a roguelike :P

it's worth contacting the developers and seeing about a port though, as all it would need is ncurses (if that), and a terminal. so it's a maybe, get in touch with them about access to the code, and see what their stance on it is
Hey guys thanks for the quick replys .

Ok so the guy who makes it is a very nice dude so I will ask him about it.

But what specifically should I ask him about/for?

Frylock said I should ask him about ncurses and a terminal?

Again sorry if any of this is noob sounding, but in time hopefully I can be a contributing member.

Also to anyone here who likes action games or roguelikes or rpgs I would VERY highly recommend you check

out this game. It is amazing, one of 2 games in its genre (that I know of: action-roguelike), actively developed,

tiny filesize, and FREE!
But what specifically should I ask him about/for?

the key thing is access to the sourcecode, without that no one can do anything (except maybe run it through an x86 emulator, but now).

also any required libraries/etc for running it, though most text based games don't need much to run, if anything past the standard libs.

might be worth asking what the minimum terminal size for playing is, it's not really an issue until it's been built and needs packaging up for playing.

if access to the source is available, i'll see what i could do with it (this is all assuming it's not open source, always thought it was, but can't find any links on the site to the source, and don't have the time to dig through whatever readme files there are for license stuff)
No source, no port. No exceptions!
except if its a decent dev, ive got access to the source of a lot of things just by agreeing to respect the license/etc, some people just prefer more control than sending a copy of the source with every executable (i wont be giving source without request in future, so theres no more chinese companies using my code for their profit/etc)
From the downloads page:

Listed below are the most recent DoomRL binary downloads. As for the source, it may eventually be available, but no sooner than before DoomRL 1.0.0.
Ask again when the source is available. I'm sure some kind soul is willing to port this. :)
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