
The Pandora doesn't use an x86 processor as the typical Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X based personal computer does - it uses an ARM one. To that end, looking up specifications for software which I presume was made for the x86-only Microsoft Windows won't really help, because basically you won't be able run it at all unless an open source engine recreation (basically, a means of running such games on any system that the recreated engine can be moved to) exists.

For example, Duke Nukem 3D has an open engine available, so that has a Pandora port, and so on and so forth. :P

EDIT: Ninja'd! :ph34r:
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Anything that's been ported to it. Depending on what the game uses, it may or may not be trivial. Oh, and it has to be open source. In short;

-The source code must be available to the public, else no port. NO EXCEPTIONS!

-Generally, anything that uses SDL is more likely to be easily ported. OpenGL, maybe, if it can be converted to OpenGLES easily.

-Nothing that relies on DirectX can be ported, for those libraries are closed-source and Windows-only.

-Nothing that relies on X86 assembler can be ported. Two different processors are in question here; square peg, round hole.

Ninjas skulk amongst us...
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I'm in a bit of a pickle here fellas. I've tried several times to turn on my pandora console with no sucess, now I've plugged it into the charger and there is still no response,not even from the LED ligthts.

Please help?
Thank you for your help, but I've since got it working again after making that post, although one problem has been replaced by another. Now after installing at least half a dozen psx roms I can only get one to work, the rest are not recognised by the emululator, despite me attempting to run both .iso and .bin roms.
I just wrote a long and extensive post detailing several problems I am having with the pandora and now I find it has dissappeared, what gives?
^ I split it off into its own topic, as a serious issue is less likely to be noticed when it's buried in an older thread. At the time of my writing this reply, it's right below this one on the index of this section, with the title "Pandora has stopped turning on, and some emulator issues (Split from other topic)".