I'm pretty certain that in the UK the seller cannot have a different price depending on method of payment. I am convinced this is a legal requirements as well as the credit card terms. If that is so, and openpandora is a UK company with a UK bank, they cannot add the cost to th buyer.
I fly quite often for work and every time I book a flight on the British Airways UK web site there is a credit card surcharge (2.5% I think). So I guess it's legal.
Either way, whether this is something Craig will absorb or a surcharge made by the bank which we have to pay just doesn't bother me. The Pandora team are doing their best to sort out a difficult set of circumstances (not of their making) while providing the best possible product and price.
As for refusing to order from the second batch based on the problems with the first, that just seems unnecessary. Simply wait until they are a stock item, and buy one if you like the product and price at that time. Pre-ordering tech is alway a bit bumpy, working for a hardware manufacturer myself I'm really impressed by how smoothly the general production seems to be going.