Query regarding paint/finish


Jan 4, 2010
Workington, Cumbria, (UK)
Just a quick question for Craig, Michael or anyone else in the know for that matter - i have been knocking out custom paint jobs on a wide variety of consoles for quite a few years now 360, Wii, Xbox, PS2, Dreamcast, Snes, etc - and was wondering if someone could tell me the paint or finish currently used on the Pandora (brand name and method of application if possible)

I have a design in mind for my unit when it arrives (1050 - 1150 on the list so still some time to wait) based upon Shodan (System Shock games - see attatched image) if people are interested, i will post some images of the project upon completion.

Thanks for listening.
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ya as long as youre not using water paint, please post pics once finished
I want to see it because awesome mods are awesome. I want to see it twice because SHODAN is awesome squared.
Don't hate on my DS, my mom thinks it looks cool.

Don't worry, we all think it's cool, we're all just jealous :P

(sorry don't know programmer for sarcasm off)

Would definitely be interested in seeing the final paint job.