Quake2 yamagi. Wrong resolution and broken controls


Very Active Member
Jan 8, 2010
Had problems since the beginning with yamagi, so I used IOQuake, where the only bug I found is that it crashes to desktop when the railgun is used.

But it turns out that it's not possible to finish the game with IOQuake, it crashes to desktop always in almost the end of the game.

So tried again with yamagi. It does run at an higher resolution and part of the screen is not visible.

When using the nubs, you can't turn to the right it just hits a limit and won't turn anymore, strangely it seems that I can turn to the left wihout problems.

Not a problem of my right nub. Works fine in other programs.

Has anyone tried yamagi  lateley? I'm running it on a Ghz pandora with the latest updates.

Yamagi isn't working for me. It crashes to desktop after the ID Logo movie and the Loading sign. I do remember playing Quake 2 with it though, but that was before I had my GHz Pandora.
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I'm on the latest firmware on my 1Ghz unit and it's working fine for me. Perhaps it's an issue with a specific SGX driver version?

EDIT: hmm tried the 4.00, 4.03 and 4.10 driver versions and all of the worked well with quake 2 yamagi.
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I'm pretty sure I'm using 4.00 (it's the default on Ghz unit?), but it's worth to try another ones.
