Quake Optimisations


Active Member
May 15, 2004

was playing around with quake today man is it running smooth :D

Heres my autoexec.cfg

r_maxparticles "10" //maximum onscreen explosion particles
d_mipcap "1" //sets a maximum quality for all textures, close or far (0=high, 4=low quality)
d_mipscale "0" //maximum scaled quality of distant textures (0=high, 4=low quality)
precache "1"//loads sounds before map starts to eliminate ingame pauses
r_maxsurfs "800" //limits rendered surfaces
r_maxedges "3200" //limits max edges rendered, maxsurfs*4=maxedges
cl_bob "0"
cl_bobup "0"
r_waterwarp "0"
crosshair "1"
fov "90"

See the diffrence with this autexec looks niceee i run it a 233 you get the odd low ram sign but not often

How do you do that fps test with quake again i forgot that timed demo thing
Put 'timedemo demo1' at the end of your autoexec.cfg to run a benchmark.

r_maxsurfs is already set to 800 so you might as well remove that, and r_maxedges is set to 2400 so you're either slowing things down with 3200 or your value will be ignored (can't remember which). And I'm pretty certain fov is 90 by default anyway, and mipcap and mipscale don't really make much of a difference, so in fact you've hardly changed anything ;).

You'll get more speed if you also use the following -

cl_rollangle 0
cl_rollspeed 0
v_kickpitch 0
v_kickroll 0
v_kicktime 0 - all the above turn off some player movement
r_drawviewmodel 0 - turns off weapon image
r_fastturb 1 - disables animated surfaces like water and portals
r_fastsky 1 - disables animated sky
For me, Quake is already pretty much fullspeed at default settings o.O at least at 266Mhz, cause that's what i play at =)
Put 'timedemo demo1' at the end of your autoexec.cfg to run a benchmark.

r_maxsurfs is already set to 800 so you might as well remove that, and r_maxedges is set to 2400 so you're either slowing things down with 3200 or your value will be ignored (can't remember which). And I'm pretty certain fov is 90 by default anyway, and mipcap and mipscale don't really make much of a difference, so in fact you've hardly changed anything ;).

You'll get more speed if you also use the following -

cl_rollangle 0
cl_rollspeed 0
v_kickpitch 0
v_kickroll 0
v_kicktime 0 - all the above turn off some player movement
r_drawviewmodel 0 - turns off weapon image
r_fastturb 1 - disables animated surfaces like water and portals
r_fastsky 1 - disables animated sky

Speed is not a problem with Gpquake at all

was trying to make it look more purty mipscale make alot of diffrence i think like when Im looikng at the pillars it the gateway room theyre all blurry with mipscale it seems more sharp

maybe I've just been staring at the screen too long like those placebos :rolleyes:
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I'm off-and-on working on an optimized GP2X-geared progs.dat that alleviates some slowdowns, that might gain you some frames here or there. I'll make a topic when it's ready, but of course I've got another project taking precedence.. :)
would be awesome if quake2 could get a bit more speed. @290 its still only running at arround 12fps
For some reason, adding everything makes my Quake crawl. Here's my scripts:


/mnt/sd/cpu_speed.gpe 1 2
cd /mnt/sd/

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

Now naturally not everyone can run their GP2X at 280MHz stabily. Some can do more.

cl_rollangle 0
cl_rollspeed 0
v_kickpitch 0
v_kickroll 0
v_kicktime 0 //all the above turn off some player movement
r_drawviewmodel 1 //turns off weapon image
r_fastturb 1 //disables animated surfaces like water and portals
r_fastsky 1 //disables animated sky