Quake 2 / Quake 3 Update?


Apr 12, 2010
Hi! :D

I was just wondering if there wil an update for Quake 2 / 3 in the near future XD :p , They aren't updated in almost a year now and are quite unplayable at this moment because of save problems/controls etc. <_<

IF anyone is working on these games PLEASE REPLY here :p , If not... , i'm begging you :rolleyes:

I love these games so if they ever run perfect (and i know that the pandora is cabable of that!) then the pandora will never leave my side :lol:
They work fine for me. You're not trying to get them from the Craig's App Store, are you? Lemme lay down the truth; despite what those entries say, the games work fine. Saving is OK in Quake 2. As is nub control in Quake 3. Yes, it's sensitive, but if you use sebt3's new pnd_run installer and place in a script that modifies the nub sensitivity, control will improve greatly. Most of the older apps in that repository have incorrect, misleading, or outdated information.
Well for Quake2 controls are fine with some tweaks, just sick of it not saving my control schemes and my save games.

Quake 3 while I never had any issues with it freezing, but I still have an issue where I touch the left nub in any way during game play it will cause my characters movement to go out of control, I tend to steer in once direction.. I know I can change/disable the left nub mode prior to launching the game.. the sensitivity by default is way too much as well...

It would be nice to have these repackaged with some fixes.
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I'd also love to see updated versions of these PND's, they're almost close to being great showcases for the power of the Pandora, if these last few glitches were ironed out. I'd still love the option for using an actual mouse for aiming in them too, nubs are good, but these are really designed for mouse aiming! ;)
Hey, guys, what glitches? Is there something besides the above I mentioned?
Nothing extra comes to mind, it's been a while since I last playe these. I think I remember in Quake 3, that you could see your opponent sometimes through the walls though....?
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I've said it before, I'll probably say it again.

Bluetooth (or USB) mouse support would be awesome for the Pandora Quakes.

@Blueprotman, you got a link fore that nub sensitivity script?
My tutorial is listed in the Tips, Tricks, and Tweaks thread. I can't upload the one I made right now, so you'll have to make one yourself; simply add "nub_sensitivity" or something. If you don't know exact names or values, you'll have to spelunk a bit (the necessary files are in the "proc" folder).
I've said it before, I'll probably say it again.

Bluetooth (or USB) mouse support would be awesome for the Pandora Quakes.

@Blueprotman, you got a link fore that nub sensitivity script?

Yes please!! external mouse support for all three quakes!!
These are the versions you should have;


Saving in Q2 DOES work for me. With a special script (which I can upload if you'd like), nub sensitivity CAN be reduced for Quake 3.

This link is not working XD :rolleyes:

And can you tell wich site is the correct site to download the newest versions of games? :huh:


there are three options, you can choose which one you like (they should all be good, recently people started using the repo because it works with a program 'PNDstore' that can check for updates)

I also agree an update on those 2 would be nice, I like saving without a script and also adjusting nub sensitivity without a script
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First, check this thread out. Having the nubs automatically swapped helps a great deal.

Add this to PND_pre_script.sh (assuming you want to change the sensitivity in Quake 3);


cat /proc/pandora/nub1/mouse_sensitivity > /tmp/nub1_sens_before


echo "100" > /proc/pandora/nub1/mouse_sensitivity

And to PND_post_script.sh...


cat /tmp/nub1sens_before > /proc/pandora/nub1/mouse_sensitivity

rm ... /tmp/nub1sens_before