qemu for android apps


Advanced Member
Oct 18, 2009
Hi guys,

I know you can start android on your Pandora. So far so good. I found it very interessting to run others OSes via qemu on the Pandora. Can you use qemu (with native host code like virtual box) to let android run in it? With a image of an sd card for android. Maybe this way you can use apps like whats app (with a one time inserted 3g surf stick) on Zaxxon. Would be great to be able to communicate with people who owns smart phones with a Pandora (most people have just whats app not jabber on their phones).
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no idea if its possible, but I can say you probably wouldn't want to.
I just want it for whats app. Very important to have it these days. Speed is not important for reading a "sms" or writing one^^. I am pidgin, a whats app plugin would be way better, but it looks bad for it.
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ApkEnv is a wrapper which catches the library calls to bionic and other android C libs, and redirects them to the right linux C libs (and do some stuff in the functions). It won't work for apps which rely heavy on java and android daemons / services. This services must be emulated I think, so I ask for qemu with android and if it works well enough.
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I don't think you understand what I want to do. I want to run ARM android (which uses the same cpu architecture type like the Pandora, which means some of the code can be executed on the host physical cpu) in a virtual box. So you can use some android apps (like whats app). Running windows in Linux is ok with vmware player on X86 (doing it for Silverlight Sites). Is it possible to run Android with virtualisation software too? It can be dead slow, the most interessting apps are IMO messaging apps. And you have all the time in the world to read a message or write some short text :) .
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I don't think you understand what I want to do. I want to run ARM android (which uses the same cpu architecture type like the Pandora, which means some of the code can be executed on the host physical cpu) in a virtual box. So you can use some android apps (like whats app). Running windows in Linux is ok with vmware player on X86 (doing it for Silverlight Sites). Is it possible to run Android with virtualisation software too? It can be dead slow, the most interessting apps are IMO messaging apps. And you have all the time in the world to read a message or write some short text :) .
you want to run the ARM version? Then why not use the Android PND?
you want to run the ARM version? Then why not use the Android PND?
Maybe my post was not clear enough.

Can you use qemu (with native host code like virtual box) to let android run in it? Maybe this way you can use apps like "whats app" (with a one time a 3g surf stick) on Super Zaxxon.
Nice Idea but beware that Qemu dont emulate a 3D Card,you can only use 2D Apps then.

I had near Ideas because it must be possible to run Windows Mobile or PocketPC OS over

QemuArm on Arm Processor.

Then have we maybe much enough Speed for Gaming Age of Empires ARM PPC Edition totaly Smoothly ^_^
Nice Idea but beware that Qemu dont emulate a 3D Card,you can only use 2D Apps then.
No problem, my main idea is to be able to read whats app stuff in university. I don't have a smarth phone but a Pandora, it would be great to write "sms" over wlan with my friends, who only have whats app.
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What I think you actually want is a "Whats" app module for apkenv

Edit: Actually, might be worth just trying to run the apk through apkenv anyway, it might just work with what's there
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Does http://openwhatsapp.org look like it could be brought to Pandora? I just learned that there's clients running on n900 and n9..
Yes and No (I guess), problematic could be the gui as it has to be adjusted to the Pandora. The Guis made for Meego/Meamo devices are written in QML, so someone with Qt - experience could(!) handle it > B-Zar ?. The second problem I see, is life expectancy: as far as I know, the whatsapp guys changed the protocoll several times already to deliberatly cut off unofficial clients, hard to guess when they feel the urge to do it next time.

Thats the kind of problem that are created if social pressure forces you to rely on a closed protocoll.
i use myself jabber with otr and ssl. but the problem is, that some of my friends don't do it and i want t communicate with them. an open whats app would be even better then an emlated android. but since there are apps like tapatalk, can android run in qemu?
It's possible the Android SDK actually uses Qemu to power their Android emulator.. but It would take more effort than just trying to get the Android we currently have working with this app.
I want to run ARM android (which uses the same cpu architecture type like the Pandora, which means some of the code can be executed on the host physical cpu) in a virtual box.
The SoC does not support any virtualization features. Same architecture or not, a lot of stuff still needs to be emulated without these features. QEMU dropped support for alternatives to KVM, which means using it on the Pandora is only possible with full emulation.