Release QCAD


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
QCAD is a fully functional 2D CAD software, featuring localization in many languages, a large library of object. It use QT (and with OpenGLES2 hardware).

You should go in the Edit|General Preference to change icon size to 16 pixel to gain some space (many are at 32 pixel by default, and even 48 pixels).

History log

Build 02

  • Updated sources
  • Updated libs (now using Qt 5.7.0).
Build 01

  • Initial build
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Impressive ptitSeb :)

It's difficult to find time to test all the stuff you pubblish almost every day :rolleyes:   but i think Pandora without you (and many others) will not be the same handheld ;)
Don't worry. for the 2 months coming, I will travel quite a lot (both for work and leisure) and will have less time for Pandora. So I will slow down, giving you time to keep up ;)
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A new release is on the repo!
I'm not sure anyone use this software at all on the Pandora (it's really tiny), but if any, you can update.

Build 02

  • Updated sources
  • Updated libs (now using Qt 5.7.0).
@matej : Thanks.
For FreeCAD seems a bit more difficult to port. It seems it want to use OpenGL inside Qt (that's what I saw last time I checked), and for now this is kind of difficult. But I'll add it to my todo, maybe it's easier than I think.
I want to try QCAD this could be useful for me, but one things I don't understand.
All is ok in menu and other things, but I don't have Right clic / Left clic when drawing, wich is useful. I see this in the QCAD Explanations on internet.
So, I can manually enter coordinate, but it's not very useful..

Have I missed something ?
If your right nub isn't giving you valid reliable left and right clicks, you might need to plug in an external mouse (via some kind of hub, because most mice are usb1.1).
What is strange, Right and Left clic are working in QCAD's menu, I've also try and externa USB mouse and it does the same.
It's only in drawing mode, for example to make a circle : I can move the cursor whenever on the grid with left nub, but I cannot click in to mark a center. Only working when I manually enter coordinate, wich is not very useful....
I have the same with my usb mouse (wich work perfectly in other things)