Drmd V5 Beta 5 - Fixes Flickering Lines

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Vynx posted on Jul 6 2006 at 04:05 PM said:
Draco posted on Jul 6 2006 at 10:33 PM said:
Most games dont register the start button anymore :/

Re-map the keys in settings ;)

Odd though, I have to keep doing that, it won't globally save the settings. <_<
I had to do it twice, maybe I cancelled instead of saved the first time.
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DaveN posted on Jul 6 2006 at 06:47 PM said:
I have tried some different versions of 'Sensible Soccer' now, but in every one some in-game text is missing. For example things like showing the minutes already played if there's a free kick, how many goals each team has scored etc.

If this is a general problem, which version of sensible soccer is playable the best on the gp2x? The snes is still a little bit laggy and I can't get the amiga one to work.

Yeah I've noticed this problem as well. Its a real shame as this is by far the most playable version of Sensi I've found. The amiga version does run with overclock and frameskip but its too slow and the snes version is also laggy. Does anyone have a Genesis version that displays the text?
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Thanks once again Reesy!

Perhaps for our own reference sakes (and to see if anyone else has working versions of these roms without issues) we should list games that we have problems with on DrMD. Favourites of mine that i have probs with are;

Desert Strike: Mission briefing text doesn't show up and the game won't load up past this screen.

Arnold Palmers Golf (Great Golf game! :)): In game text doesn't show up, making club selection etc impossible

Mercs: Player info on the right of the screen is invisible and replaced by some glitching

Zombies Ate My Neighbours: Glitching at right of screen

Eliminate Down: No sound

I noticed on a certain earlier version of DrMD for the GP32 these bugs seemed to be fixed for a while buit then crept back in.
I'm in no way criticising the awesome work Reesy does btw, just am hoping that these problems with some of my fave games will be ironed out and also interested to know if anyone has full working roms of these games :)
@Mr Pace: They all sound like problems with the cyclone core. It would be helpful if you could remember which version of DrMD these games work on, then I might be able to track it back to a particular cyclone core. Other than that there's not much I can do, other than start debugging the cyclone core again. At the moment I'm working on other things so cyclone will have to wait.

@Macleod: Its probably a bug in the sprite rendering. I'm going to be re-writing the rendering code soon, so maybe this game will be fixed. However if its caused by a cyclone bug you are out of luck :)

@Draco: Make sure you have deleted any of menu option files from the MD,GG and SMS sub directories where DrMD is installed. When i put in 6 button support I had to change the way the control settings are stored, 0x00 used to be for a non assigned button, now 0xFF is. So if you load an old menu/rom option file it will screw the settings up.
I imagine a lot of the problems involving invisible graphics (but otherwise perfectly running games) are layering problems rather than cyclone ones, if there are still any issues with layering elsewhere.

Hope so, anyway... seeing as if they are, then Cotton probably is too, and that would, finally, be playable in the beautiful way it appears on a full-scale pc-based emu.

Or it could be cyclone... never know. In any event, even with a few games a little buggy, DrMD rocks...
Hi Reesy.

Loading states in Phantasy Star 4 seem to hang the game with the 2 roms I've tried. Everything is on a freshly formatted SD card. I also tried using SRAM to save, but that didn't seem to work unless I was using it incorrectly.
DaveN posted on Jul 6 2006 at 06:47 PM said:
which version of sensible soccer is playable the best on the gp2x?

It's a bit of a downgrade, but it's playable on the Master System in DrMD.
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Reesy said:
@Macleod: Its probably a bug in the sprite rendering. I'm going to be re-writing the rendering code soon, so maybe this game will be fixed. However if its caused by a cyclone bug you are out of luck :)

Many thanks for your efforts Reesy. This is a minor blip on an exellent emu - keep up the good work! ;)
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... just one Question, is there a chance to see the fixed , unscrambled two asterix games ( The great Rescue an Power of Gods ) for one more donation from me :D ... excellent work, enjoying this emulator from the first gp32 release ... :)
EddyEagle posted on Jul 8 2006 at 06:20 PM said:
... just one Question, is there a chance to see the fixed , unscrambled two asterix games ( The great Rescue an Power of Gods ) for one more donation from me :D ... excellent work, enjoying this emulator from the first gp32 release ... :)

As far as I remember the Asterix games used opcodes that have not been implemented in the cyclone core. If someone were to add them to cyclone then these games *might* work.
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Since beta4 with the mmu hack, sometimes when I select a rom, it hangs on the blank screen just before the actual emulation starts. IIRC it was stated that it takes a few seconds for the hack to take effect at this point but sometimes it hangs and I have to reboot my GP2X.

This problem has been random (I can't make it happen with any pattern, it just just happens by itself sometimes) and only with Megadrive games, sms and gg are unaffected.

Has anyone else have the same/similar problem?
White Demon posted on Jul 9 2006 at 03:54 AM said:
Since beta4 with the mmu hack, sometimes when I select a rom, it hangs on the blank screen just before the actual emulation starts. IIRC it was stated that it takes a few seconds for the hack to take effect at this point but sometimes it hangs and I have to reboot my GP2X.

This problem has been random (I can't make it happen with any pattern, it just just happens by itself sometimes) and only with Megadrive games, sms and gg are unaffected.

Has anyone else have the same/similar problem?

Yep, exactly the same problem here.

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sbock posted on Jul 9 2006 at 09:50 AM said:
Yep, exactly the same problem here.


Me too. Have been trying around to reconstruct these things, but they are completly random.
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White Demon posted on Jul 9 2006 at 02:54 AM said:
Since beta4 with the mmu hack, sometimes when I select a rom, it hangs on the blank screen just before the actual emulation starts. IIRC it was stated that it takes a few seconds for the hack to take effect at this point but sometimes it hangs and I have to reboot my GP2X.

This problem has been random (I can't make it happen with any pattern, it just just happens by itself sometimes) and only with Megadrive games, sms and gg are unaffected.

Has anyone else have the same/similar problem?

Okay I'll clarify a few points. The MMU hack is applied when the emulator first starts up, so before you even see the main menu the MMU hack is working. I've never had the emulator lock up when loading the menu, only when starting a game. I think the lock ups are due to the initing the audio device, I never use the emulator without the sound on so I can't be sure, has anyone ever experienced a lockup when running the emulator with the sound set to OFF? Also is it always the first rom you load that locks up, I think it is always the first rom from my own experiences.
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It was always the first rom for me, too.
Sometims you're able to press select, and then go back to the rom and it will play fine. In other cases the gp2x just freezes completly.
Okay I'll clarify a few points. The MMU hack is applied when the emulator first starts up, so before you even see the main menu the MMU hack is working. I've never had the emulator lock up when loading the menu, only when starting a game. I think the lock ups are due to the initing the audio device, I never use the emulator without the sound on so I can't be sure, has anyone ever experienced a lockup when running the emulator with the sound set to OFF? Also is it always the first rom you load that locks up, I think it is always the first rom from my own experiences.

Testing half an hour starting games with sound off resulted in 2 lock-ups. Always the first game I started.

I've tried this emulator the last couple of days, and all i can say is "wow"! Very nice work, i just love it. Now i have a Mega Drive in my pocket anytime i want. Just couldn't possibly think about that when i was a little boy playing my Mega Drive some years ago :)

However i have encountered a few problems with some games when i was playing them.

Ghouls & Ghosts: When loading my savestate the sound suddenly disappeared, and it never came back untill i resetted my system.
Sonic The Hedgehog 2: In two player mode the screen is totaly messed up because the textures don't get drawn as they used to be. But in the end people can't play with two persons on the console anyway :)
Ristar: When you have completed a world you will normaly see a map with planets and the universe in the background. The planets just stay totaly blue however. I guess this has something to do with a certain kind of effect that is used in the game, because later on in the game some enemy is trowing fire at you and that was blue too. And with blue i mean, blue squares.

I just wanted to let people know about this. Maybe it could be directed corrected (omg, what did i write?) some day, who knows. Anyway, keep up with the good work! :)
Yeah, this is a great emulator! But it does seem to have some issues with save states:

Phantasy Star 4 - freezes when state saved/loaded
Shining Force 1/2 - sound goes crazy when state saved/loaded
Ghouls and Ghosts - no sound after state saved/loaded
I got an email from Reesy today saying thanks for some saves states I sent him, so the saves states issue is being looked at.

Hmm, had a Master System game lock up when booting the other day, and it was the first game booted after loading the emulator. Ho hum, just reloaded the emulator and it was fine.