Pyra - Availability of Case Designs and the possibilities it brings


Hardcore Member
Jan 23, 2011
One of the most exciting things about the Pyra Announcement (IMO) was the point about how the case design files will be available to anyone.   I can see all sorts of color's being 3D printed or even different materials 3D printed like metal or even wood  - that would be awesome.  I wonder what other options or this could lead to.


Here's an old thread with some Retro Pandora Designs which could be updated and used for the Pyra.  A white commodoreish PAndora, mmm - I like.
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CNC ? , 

I can see all sorts of color's being 3D printed or even different materials 3D printed like metal or even wood  - that would be awesome.
CNC isn't really "3D printing".

-God Ginrai

Sorry , not sure I follow what you were trying to say?  Both Wood and Metal (based material) can be 3D printed these days.
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CNC ? , 

I can see all sorts of color's being 3D printed or even different materials 3D printed like metal or even wood  - that would be awesome.
CNC isn't really "3D printing".

-God Ginrai
Sorry , not sure I follow what you were trying to say?  Both Wood and Metal (based material) can be 3D printed these days.
First of all, CNC:

I can understand 3D-printed metal. However, a 3D printer that extrudes metal is unlikely to be something normal users can afford. As for extruding wood... I honestly don't see how that's possible. Wood doesn't have that kind of structure. To shape wood, you would need to either use CNC or dump a composite wood into a mold, both of which are not 3D printing.

-God Ginrai
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^ I know what CNC is, I didn't understand where you were going with that short post..  Both Wood and metal 3D printing exist today and will get better over time.

You can always get the case made for you.  Most people will probably do this anyway (that opt for a case to be made), as I'd imagine most of us still wont have a 3D printer in a years time.

Actually here's wood being printed using one of the cheapest 3D printers out there
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I still don't see how it is possible to extrude something fibrous like wood. The only thing that could be is some composite involving sawdust.

-God Ginrai
^ Yes of course - something like that.  They are not squeezing a  2 x 4 though the nozel  :P
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I wouldn't mind printing a white case and make the thing look like a mini Amiga 500 or C64 .  Like the design someone came up with a while back . 

What happened to that thread by the way?, you know the one with the Pandora skinned like a Atari 2600 or Amiga 500 etc.  Every year someone remmebrs this thread and asks where it is, perhaps we should have pinned it.

EDIT: Updated first post with link to that retro Pandora design thread
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Always been a fan of Panda colored handhelds. Quick photoshoopdawooped of the Pandora to resemble the Honeyee DS.

The gloss is very very nice, I think the colour would acquire dirt quickly though :/
I remember you posted these. It does look good. Classy.