GP2X Puzzle Game Construction Set


Jun 7, 2006
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Hey guys,
While playing Tetris Attack, I thought of a rewrite of that game, just to have a good, fast version of it on the gp2x. But I thought why not try something more interesting, and so I thought about a puzzle game engine, mainly for falling-blocks games.

The idea is as following, the way how the blocks appear, the kind and form of the blocks, the way how they will disappear and the way the user interacts with them will be choosable out of a set of different possibilities, all taken out of more or less famous puzzle games. This way the gamer can play pre-configured games ( Tetris, Tetris Attack, Puyo Puyo, Columns.. ) or can mix his own game with the options available.

This thread may get used as a developers blog and also as a point to recieve some suggestion of you. So, just to start, are there any options, things etc. that you think should be in there?

Greets, DaveN

Edit: I don't think that the customize options will get used too much, but I think they'll be a nice different. The most important point will be just to be able to play the best puzzle games native on the gp2x, also with configurable options.
Sounds good, I often find myself in the mood for puzzle games. :) Your idea seems great and something that will give a fresh spin to the genre. Best of luck to you!

- Alex
My only advice is to make it Object Oriented, invest in using abstraction, design patterns and then release the source as a generic block based tile engine. Include a class diagram. If it's a really good design, people will not need to extend it much. Just create a lot of sequence diagrams based on realisations.

I wouldn't invest in anything to complicated, like a GUI around a construction kit.
is there going to be a vs mode? even if not for multiplayer having a cpu opponent would be great.

I'm just going to finish the engine first, after that I'll look into additional features, like a multiplayer/ vs. com mode.

In this project, I'm heading for a really good result, so I'll take my time, do some sketches for all the classes/objects, write a design doc, set up a savane or any kind of a similar project etc., so don't expect this to be finished soon. I'm going to do much over the holidays, I haven't got much time in the 'normal' weeks, studying, other hobbies, music etc.
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