Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection - Net


Jan 6, 2008
The second of many games from this excellent puzzle collection. Rotate the blocks to complete the network without any "unpowered" blocks. Both "untangle" and "net" and now using improved (but still not perfect) cursor code.

This is an SDL port of just the "net" game, customised for GP2X.


The rest of the games will follow as I fix the remaining bugs.

Vol+ - Quit
Start - New Games
Select - Restart Game
A, Y, B - rotate left, lock, rotate right

Note that this port isn't affiliated with Simon Tatham himself, I'm just using his puzzle code. So credit for puzzle and framework to him, credits to SDL conversion and GP2X port to me! :-) Enjoy!

You can download it here:,0,0,0,25,2529
Works quite well (for both Net & Untangle).

The controls is much better, but still needs a lot of work. It's too slow, and diagonals do not work for all the button combinations (e.g. pressing Right first before Down will not produce a diagonal, but pressing Down before Right would).

I'll point out that the wrapper GPEs for Net & the updated Untangle are incorrect.; the location points to an unnecessary "games" folder.

This is just a suggestion, but you could remove the file extension of the game files to prevent accidentally starting them, instead of the wrappers. (e.g. rename "net.gpe" to just "net", and rename "start_net.gpe" to "net.gpe")

Also, it seems the version of Untangle in the archive is still the old one. I got the new one from your website.

Keep it up. :)
Works quite well (for both Net & Untangle).

Manjuu said:
The controls is much better, but still needs a lot of work. It's too slow, and diagonals do not work for all the button combinations (e.g. pressing Right first before Down will not produce a diagonal, but pressing Down before Right would).
Yes, I know. For some reason SDL is seeing a "slide" from, say, left to down-left to down as about eight different presses/releases (left pressed, left released, down pressed, left pressed, down released, left released, down pressed, down released).
The problem is that they don't always appear in the correct order and that messes up the code for the cursor a bit.

After all the complicated bit of conversion from GTK to SDL, you'd think a smooth cursor would be simple to add to the event model, wouldn't you? And because of the way the games work, I have to use a certain event model for the mouse/joystick which, from looking around at a few other people's code, nobody else does. I *will* fix it, it's just one small step at a time as I fix other problems.

Manjuu said:
I'll point out that the wrapper GPEs for Net & the updated Untangle are incorrect.; the location points to an unnecessary "games" folder.
BALLS, BALLS, BALLS, BALLS, BALLS. I forgot about that. My mistake. That's because the full release of all the games will use that directory structure and I forgot to change it for the individual releases. Thanks for pointing it out. I'll get some fixes out for both of them as soon as I can... you spotted it but a lot of people will have no clue as to what's wrong.

Manjuu said:
This is just a suggestion, but you could remove the file extension of the game files to prevent accidentally starting them, instead of the wrappers. (e.g. rename "net.gpe" to just "net", and rename "start_net.gpe" to "net.gpe")
Actually, that was next on my ticklist. I want to keep the wrapper scripts in general because they allow standalone releases and playing without a menu but I also want the "real" executables hidden away (that's why they were put into a /games folder) so that if someone is using a "puzzle" menu to run them they don't need to get confused with a dozen game-titles trying to find their menu executable.

Manjuu said:
Also, it seems the version of Untangle in the archive is still the old one. I got the new one from your website.
I did update untangle on the archive and it all worked but at the end I got an "Thanks. It's awaiting moderation." kind of window and the file never actually changed. I just assumed that someone had to come along and check that it was actually me updating it before the file appeared. The website will always have the latest, for anyone watching, as well as an archive of older versions in case someone for some mad reason prefers an older build. If the archive is so finicky about updates, I might well just update on my website and post the links to there on the archive.
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