In the early stages of production and market development the price will make the eightythree attractive primarily to those with a pressing demand for this class of device. Longer term, improved manufacturing efficiency and other benefits of volume production should permit a price at or slightly below that of notebooks with equivalent functionality. While small size increases some manufacturing costs, it decreases others, with the net benefit being an overall decrease.
User Interface
• 56-key QWERTY keyboard
• Touch screen
• Thumb-operated joystick with left and right mouse buttons
• Two user-definable action keys
That's from the webpage - Thumb-operated joystick seems like it would be okay for games.
Its a decent unit, but it's intended as a mini-PC for those that need it, not a gaming machine. If it ever gets going I'm sure someone will write some games and possibly emulators for it, but it isn't really in the same category as the GP32.
People please I wasnt seriously concidering getting one of these, its expensive ugly and (looking at the pics) hard do work with. BUT it gives us an idea of what a GP64 will be capable of... To be honest we could have a gp32 x1000 times more powerful right NOW but noones willing to fork out the cash for it.. shame..
Yeah. but looks at Apple's I-pod MP3 player. They weigh in at 20GBs MAX and they are so small! (Pricy too!)
Agree with most of the comments though that price and comfort (i.e. for games) are the biggers issues.