Purchase Decision For Amiga Nut


Still Fresh
Dec 2, 2007
I grew up on the Amiga platform spending most of my youth on the a500.

Now should I purchase a GP2X F200? Just wondering if I would be disappointed with the current state of amiga emulation?

I've been lurking the forums for ages, seems amiga emulation is at acceptable speeds for some games maybe not for all.
darkage said:
I grew up on the Amiga platform spending most of my youth on the a500.

Now should I purchase a GP2X F200? Just wondering if I would be disappointed with the current state of amiga emulation?

I've been lurking the forums for ages, seems amiga emulation is at acceptable speeds for some games maybe not for all.

You can play many Amiga games, but not all. Within the "working" category, some work very well, some not so well. If you are looking for a portable amiga, you probably won't find it. But for games you will probably do ok. If you really want a portable amiga (keep in mind that there is no kb and only 320x200 res), you can buy a cheap used laptop and run winuae on it. I don't recommend Mac because MACuae isn't very good or fast.

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You can have an idea of the speed/compatibility level here:


In my opinion, the main problem are the controls: the last time I tried there were no way to map keys on joystick buttons (please tell me if I'm wrong). Therefore you have to use the virtual keyboard, which is really not convenient on action games.
This compatibility list is in Italian, but is the most comprehensive I've seen (scroll down a bit). The wiki mentioned before is quite out of date.

uae4all has been worked on recently and has improved including support for more than one kickstart rom at a time.
I guess if your expectations are to have a cheap portable Amiga to play some classic games, you would be pretty impressed. There are several good videos on youtube just look for "amiga gp2x" there.

I don't know if the latest uae port has mouse support via the F200's touch screen yet. that's the biggest problem i have with the mac emulator.

if you can wait until the summer or fall and are willing to pay 2x the cost of a gp2x today, you may be very happy with the eventual port of uae to the pandora instead.
Fat Agnus said:
I guess if your expectations are to have a cheap portable Amiga to play some classic games, you would be pretty impressed. There are several good videos on youtube just look for "amiga gp2x" there.

I don't know if the latest uae port has mouse support via the F200's touch screen yet. that's the biggest problem i have with the mac emulator.

if you can wait until the summer or fall and are willing to pay 2x the cost of a gp2x today, you may be very happy with the eventual port of uae to the pandora instead.

Pandora? I've had a quick flick through the threads, seems alot like a Zaurus which Im a owner of.

Thanks for all the great responses.
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Thers some really good Amiga games currently working on the emulator. Including things like Project X Alien Breed Tower Assault and the turrican games.

Theres problems with Ham and EHB mode games where graphics wont display properly so sadly theres no point playing cover girl strip poker.

and apparantly Amiga Anywhere 2 works on the GP2X but I dont know if thats good or bad
As a fellow Amiga nut (currently got 3 1200s, two with 060 boards and one with an 030, a 500 and a CD32), I'd suggest that you'll be disappointed if you're buying the GP2X just for Amiga emulation. If you're buying it for more general emulation (Mega Drive, Master System, SNES) with the occasional Amiga game thrown in it's a much more attractive prospect.
wot ant512 said +1.

The GP2X does an acceptable job of A500 emulation, but dont buy one just for that.

Still, the first time you get Speedball2 up an running at full tick, it's a sublime thing... ;o)

Cross your fingers for a good overclocker, as UAE4all likes >250Mhz.
ant512 said:
As a fellow Amiga nut (currently got 3 1200s, two with 060 boards and one with an 030, a 500 and a CD32), I'd suggest that you'll be disappointed if you're buying the GP2X just for Amiga emulation. If you're buying it for more general emulation (Mega Drive, Master System, SNES) with the occasional Amiga game thrown in it's a much more attractive prospect.

Yep I think I figured out its not a good 100% Amiga alternative after looking at youtube vids of the emulation.

Seems like a handful of games will work good, but the real advantage is in the other platforms for emulation like neogeo, mame, etc.

I currently have 4 a500's (:

Might purchase a Minimig or maybe a original brand new a1200 (:

Still deciding if I should purchase a GP2X since I prefer all old school games.. hmmm If ami Swiv works fine I would be happy just with that working for ami emulation side of things (:
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How does Amiga emulation on the F200 compare to Amiga emulation on the PSP?

An unbiased opinion with reasons would be greatly appreciated.
tridion said:
How does Amiga emulation on the F200 compare to Amiga emulation on the PSP?

An unbiased opinion with reasons would be greatly appreciated.
PSPUAE has more features such as 68020 emulation and savestates usefull for whdloading from the ramdisk and active developement with regular updates, (they also stole our UAE2X dev ;) ), UAE4ALL on GP2X has better speed ( just a bee's dick faster now) and better sound but not so active development. Noldor is currently adding features to UAE4ALL but he has admitted himself he cant do much in the way of speeding things up or improving emulation.

The PSP just got a port of UAE4ALL but it is using the fame "C" 68000 core and the gp2x uses the cyclone "ASM" 68000 core so the gp2x version of UAE4ALL has better speed and compatibility.

If the gp2x version of UAE4ALL had 68020 emulation, extra ram emulation, savestates and touch screen support it would be unstoppable. :D
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That list is horribly outdated and we were told to not use it anymore as the wiki nazi decided it wasnt good enough... and wanted to make a new system for all emulators that doesnt really work for the amiga emulator. As far as I can tell nobody has bothered to use his "new and improved" compatibility list at least not for amiga emulation. :(
Although Amiga emulation is pretty good and I like the system a lot, it is one of my least played emulators. You've got long loading times and no quick entry save states.
OutcaST is a lot better (however it could really use an update) and the Atari ST games are often just as good.
b_o_b said:
Although Amiga emulation is pretty good and I like the system a lot, it is one of my least played emulators. You've got long loading times and no quick entry save states.
OutcaST is a lot better (however it could really use an update) and the Atari ST games are often just as good.

I grew up with the Amiga, I was taught the Atari ST was satan's work! hehe

Anyways I went ahead & purchased one. Partly due to my whole work office believing Im the biggest geek ever so just had to get another linux device to prove them wrong hahah! As well as work getting a 42" lcd for the lunch room.. hmmm hookup and mame! hmmm !
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darkage said:
b_o_b said:
Although Amiga emulation is pretty good and I like the system a lot, it is one of my least played emulators. You've got long loading times and no quick entry save states.
OutcaST is a lot better (however it could really use an update) and the Atari ST games are often just as good.

I grew up with the Amiga, I was taught the Atari ST was satan's work! hehe

Anyways I went ahead & purchased one. Partly due to my whole work office believing Im the biggest geek ever so just had to get another linux device to prove them wrong hahah! As well as work getting a 42" lcd for the lunch room.. hmmm hookup and mame! hmmm !

Theres a youtube vid somewhere that shows the differences with the Atari and Amiga graphics. Amiga wins
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