am I correct that the Linux option:
PSX Memory Card Manager, while it can edit & save gamesaves, requires the user to actually build a device to interface with the program?
On the issue of the official PS3 Memory Card Adaptor, it looks like it quite likely will work for transferring PocketStation games to windows. I have discovered evidence that the official PS3 Memory Card Adaptor
does at least, acknowledge the difference between a standard PlayStation memory card and the PocketStation(or at least passes all data through). As I understand it, this is what happens when you put a PocketStation in the official PS3 Memory Card Adaptor and connect it to a PS3:
Unfortunately, the PS3 can't make any use of the PocketStation(the icon above appears, but nothing can be done with it and games like FFVIII, when played on PS3 don't detect the PocketStaton).
I have also found there is a driver file(used to make windows recognize the official PS3 Memory Card Adaptor, and at least be able to read data through it) and program to transfer that data on to windows. So the official PS3 Memory Card Adaptor does know the difference(or at least lets all data through) between a standard PlayStation memory card & PocketStation and as long as the program can transfer whatever data it detects through the official PS3 Memory Card Adaptor onto windows we would just need to use PSXMemTool to convert the data to a format that PSX4Pandora can use.
I even found a
youtube video detailing installation of the driver file and the program to transfer data from the official PS3 Memory Card Adaptor(you might need to turn up the volume, the guy is kind of quiet..). Oh, by the way, for the link he placed below his video where it says: "The initial link is:" just gives a 404 error, so use
this instead(it goes to the exact webpage he uses in the video, I guess he just screwed up the link, or something..) As for the other links he has listed, the top one of the two that ends with "kasiwano" may be the driver file that works for the official PS3 Memory Card Adaptor and the bottom one is the transfer program he used(I don't know if it is absolutely required to make all this work or if it is just the transfer progran he decided to use).
Actually all this gets me thinking, what if the problem with De

rive isn't hardware, but software(maybe the "official" De

rive program just doesn't include PocketStation support, if that is the case, maybe there are other programs that can read from De

rive as well?). At any rate if PSXMemTool can convert the PocketStation data into a PSX4Pandora compatible format the "play part on Pandora, part on real PlayStation" will work.