Psx4gp2x Help


Still Fresh
May 24, 2007
ok so in a "hypothetical" situation where "someone" might download a playstation iso is there a reason why it would not work after being extracted to raw .bin format with .cue file using isobuster (as zoddt says to do with this version). are there only certain kinds of files that can be converted to .bin? such as .rar, .iso, .uif? im using psx4gp2x version 072407. when i try to load a converted rom i get a load success message and then it just sticks on a black screen and i cant even get back to the in game menu. i can get games i have personally ripped onto my computer to work. anybody got any advice for me? thanks
Haven't you already asked this question?
I think you've just done something wrong with the convertion.
.rar isn't an image, it's just an archive in rar format. Iso can be converted to raw .bin format easily. I don't know about .uif.
virusx said:
Haven't you already asked this question?
I think you've just done something wrong with the convertion.
.rar isn't an image, it's just an archive in rar format. Iso can be converted to raw .bin format easily. I don't know about .uif.

yes i asked this on the status of psx4gp2x thread but nobody responded so i thought that i would try hear. my real problem is that i dont know anything about computers so everything i do is just trial and error, i ussually dont know what is relevant. thanks anyway
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Maybe its just a dodgy iso. Have you tried burning it to a CD seeing whats on it and if it is a PS1 game you could make a bin of the cd
foleyjo said:
Maybe its just a dodgy iso. Have you tried burning it to a CD seeing whats on it and if it is a PS1 game you could make a bin of the cd

ive downloaded quite a few torrents and the only ones ive gotten to work so far are in spanish (to bad i dont speak spanish). im not even positive that im using isobuster properly, according to zoddts webpage you open the image in isobuster right click on the cd icon on the left and extract raw.bin it then asks you to save as cd.bin (i ussually change it to "game name".bin, it once that finish's it asks you to save "game name".cue. ido that and put it in the games file on psx4gp2x.
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I've used MagicISO for a few images and it seems to work okay. By the looks of your problem though, the game might not be compatible. Try setting the psx vsync higher.
myshadow said:
ive downloaded quite a few torrents...
No, you've ripped your own Psx Cd, right?

For your problem, if you got other cd images that works, it's probably the image that isn't a good dump or the game isn't working in psx4all.
Try to test a game that is known to work or perhaps you should try a less tricky emulation than psx.
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