The PSP is one of the greatest handhelds I have played. (prefer the gp2x overall, though.) The commercial games are typically of a decent quality. I don't own one myself, I have a GP32 and a GP2X, but a few friends of mine have them, and from what I've played/seen, I've been reasonably impressed. I do think that the emulated mobile-phone way of typing is kinda lame. I can understand that many gadget-loving people are formilliar with the mobile phone keypad layout due to repeated use of the SMS functionality, but as an on-screen display, I don't think it's the fastest way to enter data. I'd like to see something similar to that nifty GP32 text editor that split the keys into blocks, and made use of the joystick and buttons to select the block then the corrisponding letter within that block. For me, that system seemed very fast and very practical.
I'm also a bit of a Dreamcast fanboy, having owned one since release, and I use it still today (been sent in for repairs once, that was back in the PSO craze era.) So was delighted to see the title "Virtua Tennis 2" making its way to the PSP (with a new title.... Virtua Tennis World Tour, or some-such.) As it was truely a great title ~~ One I still play four or three player on when mates are in the viccinity. [2p has a bit less appeal.] Anyhack, one day I think I'll snatch one of my friends' PSPs and have a few ad-hock mode matches against them (I heared this is possible in VT:WT) I'm unsure if it'll prove as entertaining as the DC version's multiplayer, but it should come close. (I own an xbox and GC too, but the prior I pretty much don't touch, and the latter I bought recently for almost nothing, just so I can play PSO:episode 3.)
The Wi-Fi of the PSP is pretty good, the latest firmware offering flash support (albeit very basic.) The browser itself is not completely compatible with the internet, with some sites not functioning as they should, or at all. This in-part is due to the low resolution of the console -- very few sites are designed with such resolutions in mind, but most of the time it is the fault of the site designers for doing things in a very browser-specific way, or relying on technologies such as JAVA and Flash, that are either not supported at all, or very sparcely implimented.
The video playback is nice from UMD form (which I hear has been a non-proffitable exploit for sony, with UMD-video sales being reasonably low. Some major stores no longer stock them, but they are still in production, so it seems.), as for MPEG4, I have no idea. I tried to encode some stuff in a PSP-friendly way with mencoder (my computer's OS is gentoo linux) and failed. If anyone could point me in the right direction here I'd be greatful. All of my attempts used MP3 for audio (maybe I should try MP2....) as for the video, I used something along the lines of -ovc lavc -lavcencopts vcodec=mpeg4:bitrate=70 (I was doing it low-res @ 13FPS) -ffourcc DX50
The PSP just said it was corrupt and such. Later I grabbed one of them game-promotional vids from the MemStick my friend had in the PSP, and found the video header said something like avc1. my quick-googling listed something about it useing h.264 technologies, so I proceeded in producing an encode using x264 as my video codec and using the -ffourcc avc1 flag in hopes of producing something it would understand.... Nope.
The GP2X wins at playing video. Tenfold.
Batt-life seems good to me, but I do like using my 2,700mAh batteries more-so, as I can fit a spare pair in the GP2X carry case, and if the sony pripietry battery should ever stop working, it'll cost a fair bit to replace.
Talking of which, I think my friend got ripped off regarding his MemoryStick. The guy bought a 256mb ScanDisk Memstick for about £30. I think he could have got it for cheaper if he looked about a bit more, on the internet, perhaps, but even then, the sony sticks do seem to be rather costly.
As for fonts, I suppose the PSP is smother, however I have hopes for the 2X, maybe sub-pixel rendering could be enabled? Even falsely enabled by developers using PNG graphics with sub-pixel alised text. I have my linux computer setup with sub-pixel rendering enabled, and it's the smoothest alaising system ever. I shit you not, a fine bonus when used. The GP2X has an LCD screen, does it not? So then it should be possible. If I ever get round to coding something, I'll use sub-pixel alised fonts. Probably in pre-rendered PNG form. I like that idea.
And on a completely unrelated matter; I formatted my 4GB SD to ext2, and the GP2X failed to read from it. Had to shove it back to the flawed FAT32. Sadness

It's always good to end a post diving into irrelevance.