Ps2 Or Gamecube


Virtual Boy
Jan 23, 2004
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My birthday is on the 19th, and I am trying to decide whether to get a modded ps2 or modded gamecube. I already have a regular gamecube, but I don't want to try and mod it myself. I don't want to mess it up. I don't have any PS2 at all right now. I've gone through 2 and they are currently both broken.
Also, does anyone know how well the backups play on these two consoles. Will I have to leave the room and do something else while they are loading? Any information you have would be helpful.
I haven't played RE4 either, which version is better?
to be honest i dont know anyone at all that 'deals' in gamecube back ups and there a way more games to pick from on ps2, more newer titles on ps2, most games for gamecube can be bought quite cheap second hand. if i were you, id look into getting one of your ps2's repaired and buy a swap magic disc and tool kit, it works really well, just remove the front of the disc tray, insert the swapmagic dvd, stick the swaptool in, slide it, pull open door, put in import(or backup)game, push door in, slide tool back, easy, and works for me everytime.

and yes gc version of re4 is better in my opinion.
Honestly I was reading an article regarding the better RE4 version. Both are superb, but according to game informer the ps2 has a slight edge over the cube. It has an insane amount of extra content, and the graphics are literally pushed to the limit. I personally have the cube version and am very pleased. Its a phenominal game, so it's a win-win situation on either console.

Just my 2 cents :)

And if you already have a working cube, get a ps2 again.
yeah, gameplay wise theyre exactly the same, ps2 has some extras, i think gc has the better visuals though.
well, yeah. ps2 is pushed to the limit but the cube has slightly better graphics. It's upto the classic case of gameplay vs graphics. Are you willing to take game with lesser graphics over extra features? its up to you
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xbox :lol:
I already have one.

to be honest i dont know anyone at all that 'deals' in gamecube back ups and there a way more games to pick from on ps2, more newer titles on ps2, most games for gamecube can be bought quite cheap second hand. if i were you, id look into getting one of your ps2's repaired and buy a swap magic disc and tool kit, it works really well, just remove the front of the disc tray, insert the swapmagic dvd, stick the swaptool in, slide it, pull open door, put in import(or backup)game, push door in, slide tool back, easy, and works for me everytime.

and yes gc version of re4 is better in my opinion.
I broke my first PS2 with a swap magic. Don't ask me how. I don't like switching disks either, and I would like to avoid that if possible.

I guess I am getting a ps2 then. I'll probably get a GC later. What modchip should I get?

Edit: and it is about as cheap to get your ps2 repaired as it is to get a new one. It costs like 90 usd in most cases.
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I've already bought about 15 Gamecube games, but I probably will get a PS2 anyway. What do you think I should get PS2 or PSTwo. The site I am looking at has PSTwos for cheaper, and I don't have a harddrive to put in my PS2 off hand. Should I just go ahead and get the PSTwo. They look so cool anyway. Is booting off the harddrive overrated? Also, I already have a network adapter.
After reading what you;ve said so far I'd say Get the PStwo, atleast them you can get a mod for the case that will make swapping a lot easier (heck they make shells specifically for this too!).

Yeah The cube version is much sexier to look at and is cheaper (if you can find it, they're quickly getting up and dissapearing at their new low price). The PS2 version on the other hand has a controller that is loved by all and the unlockables like the Ada side story and outfit changes. I'd say the Extra mission puts a nice solid check mark in the PS2 column.

Heck I already have the GC version and I'm looking for a way to pick up the PS2 version (at a reduced price of course.)
Looking at this.
Their site seems reliable because it was on Team Xecuters site. They're price seems good, and it already has that thing that keeps the PSTwo cooled. If anyone knows of beter, please tell me, but this seems good. I have barely played any PS2 games. I hope they are good.
Maybe a bit expensive for mytaste but I suppose if you add up the man hours that would go into buying a regular system and getting all the same things installed and shipped it would probably be the same price.

Ultimately you're the only one who can gauge your level of risk on a modded system, remember tis system is comming to you in a pre-warrentee voided state so you can't exactly blame anyone if it crumbles in your hands minutes after opening the box.
Only problem with the pstwo is the overheating issue (and its a big problem). If they really can cool it, though, go for it; they are really sleek and insanely small.

About resident evil 4, even though its more of a moot point now- THAT GAME IS FREAKIN AMAZING! I am just playing it now on my ps2 (it is excellent on the ps2; others have explained the situation very nicely, graphics vs. extras), and all I can say is 'wow.' Get that game now, and hope to god the pstwo dousn't overheat, because if your anything like me, you won't be able to put it down

you will be happy with the ps2; the library is simply too damn big to be dissapointed
Yeah, I think I first played RE4 saying "I'm only going to test it out sicne I havent finished code veronica yet" and the next thing I knew I'd played it for a good 4 hours.
I'd say get the GC version, You'll be amazed by the graphics and the gameplay, besides, it's the original version :lol:

by the way, the GC has outfit cahngees too, they're just different than the ps2's version.

Leon is in hios cop outfit and Ashley in almost stripper like clothes :lol:
Why not repair one of the PS2s and get a hard drive upgrade for it, you can copy 90% your games to the hard drive. They load much quicker and you have loads of games from one menu after booting from the CD/DVD. I do this myself using a tool called HD Advance 2.0. It's really kewl!!!!!
for me resident evil 4 was the best game of last year, i found myself getting up for work an hour early so i could play it, never gets boring, good storyline, but the only thing i found dissapointing was the end boss, a little too easy i think, and the jet ski bit at the end was a bit crappy but still by far game of 2005 for me, and best in the resident evil series.
Oh well, I'm just going to get a PSTwo. I have HDAdvance 2.0, and I liked it, but a lot of games that I like do not play on it. PSTwo seems to be the way to go. It is so cool looking, and it already has the mod that keeps it from overheating. If I ever wanted to put a hdd on it, I could just use a USB HDD. Maybe I will write a review of my PSTwo once I get it.