Ps One Mod Chipped + Disks


Active Member
Jan 31, 2005
Ok guys...

your advice please...

I got a classic PS One mod chipped with about 80 disks + NTSC conversion software...

plays everything you throw at it - never had a problem... 2 controllers, Scart lead etc etc etc ...

missus says I got to sell it :o

What price shall I put on it? Does anyone want to make an offer before it goes on ebay?

sPaCe :ph34r:
ebay won't let you sell chipped/backup games. i've had many things pulled for that reason (flashed DS, chipped ps1, modded xbox).

they also won't allow sales of fruit machines without a liscence, the bastards.
I used to sell bootleg dvds on ebay. Made about 1000 bucks in 1 week selling old nickelodeon shows that went off the air in the early '90's. lol it was great b/c ebay caught me like 2 times and after making about 4 grand over like a month and a half, they suspended me. when i got my accound back up, I promised to not do it again.

moral of the story? You have to know how to get around them. It's simple when your selling one item.

Put a 3-5 day auction up. the worst they will do (IF they happen to catch you) is remove the item and warn you. Take a shot, it's ok
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Dec 30 2005 at 04:50 PM said:
I used to sell bootleg dvds on ebay. Made about 1000 bucks in 1 week selling old nickelodeon shows that went off the air in the early '90's. lol it was great b/c ebay caught me like 2 times and after making about 4 grand over like a month and a half, they suspended me. when i got my accound back up, I promised to not do it again.

moral of the story? You have to know how to get around them. It's simple when your selling one item.

Put a 3-5 day auction up. the worst they will do (IF they happen to catch you) is remove the item and warn you. Take a shot, it's ok
:o you dirrrrty pirate
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Just this week, I looked trough e-bay for PS2's Magic-swap thingy. Found few, also, some guy was selling backups "for use with chipped/magic swap PS2"... With the usual disclaimers, you need to own the games blah blah blah. I wonder if it's still there?


Huh, there are like zounds of them... Are the e-bay people confused by the lack of "backup" or something in the descriptions, or do they not just care/have time/resources/manpower?
At the end of the day, they are just CYA, which means Cover Your Azz!
yeppers if everything works,

could you tell me if you have bishi bashi and fighter maker that would make my day.

but im very interested gimmie a couple of pics we shall take it from there :)
i only wanted fighter maker because once we made a special called "poo prod" and re-creating youth is the best thing ever....

and spaceboy yea im still in sheffield, we'll have to arrange summat.

ta !
its sold to sensible...

I just need to get my shit together!

sorry dude!!

pics tomorrow I promise
