Argh I hate conversations that dwindle into pickyness like this. Sure, saying your gp2x is "the downy one" isn't the nicest thing to say, but it's no worse than saying something's retarted, or calling someone slow or dumb or stupid or an idiot.
My cousin has some developmental disabilities because of birth defects, and she's only 5, yet I don't go around looking for a confrontation nor sympathy if someone calls something retarted or 'downy'. I treat her just like a normal kid, not like someone with a disease who needs to be felt sorry for.
It's not like subin was calling sam's sister retarted, he just said something a bit immature. It's no reason for intimidation or apologies. Also, sam, maybe aapje does have something wrong with him that impairs his judgement or intelligence. Maybe he has ADD or ADHD or downs or any of a number of things wrong with him. If you're so sensitive about mental disabilities, why risk making fun of his disability?
Just quit it guys. We all know that making fun of people with disabilities is wrong, but that none of that really happened in this thread. Let's get on with it and all be stupid together