Priston Tale


Still Fresh
Aug 2, 2005
Has anybody ever played Priston Tale? I've been thinking of getting it so I kinda wanted an opinion before I played. If you haven't its an awesome looking FREE(w00t!) MMO.
it really doesn't look free to me...

For users who have finished their Free Trial and who have finished their service plans are required to select from the service plans below to continue enjoying PristonTale. Please select the most attractive plan to you.
lol well guess I'm stupid then... <_< well still looks worth a trial :rolleyes:
In the olden days of GP32x, you would've got temp banned fot triple posting, but GenMX is "Away" and Rico's gone soft :P
There's also Planeshift, which is still in a pre-pre-pre-Beta kind of quality stage (although in fact it is actually Beta :P) an OSS MMORPG. I downloaded and played for a while... but it is massively buggy still and missing most player 3D models. Not really playworthy yet.

I'm taking a look at CO... is it any good, those who've played it?

Actually, I usually don't manage to "get into" this sort of game, but I'm always willing to try ;) Same goes for the text based MUDs.
Conquer online is really good.

Play on the Saturn server where I am. I can help u out

I have a lvl 110 trojan called Deleted User
and a lvl 76 archer called Kiluminati

so u can just whisper me if you want money or p-lvling.